Chapter 27

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Alex's P.O.V

"Come on then, let's head downstairs. careful. Do you want to borrow some of my makeup?" Shannon told me, struggling to find the words, the makeup being mentioned because black smudges stained my cheeks.

"Hmmm" I agreed. I knew what I had done was wrong but it was a good wrong. A wrong I deserved.

After walking downstairs, I faced the people I loved, cared and feared the most.

"What took you so long?" Johnnie immediately shot up and rushed by my side, clearly very concerned about my welfare. I loved how caring he was. To be honest, I loved everything about him.

"Nothing. We were just talking" I answered, sitting down next to him.

"Your eyes are all red" Johnnie pointed out. I immediately got very self conscious and went to look at myself in the mirror.

"Hmm. Yeah, I suppose they're a bit red" I shrugged off.

"You've been crying. I can tell" Johnnie told me. I nervously looked at Shannon. I knew that Johnnie would tell that I had been crying.

"No" I replied, scared of him finding out.

"Yes. We literally just had a long conversation about you and I talking through our problems and helping each other. We used to..." Johnnie sounded gutted and was tearing up himself. I couldn't so this to him. I knew he would hate me if he found out about me and this was what scared me the most.

"I-I" I stuttered, trying to think of any excuse I could come up with. I hated making excuses towards Johnnie, considering that he's meant to be my boyfriend.

"She was sick. Alex didn't want you worrying but I cleaned it all up and her eyes were tearing up a bit" Shannon quickly thought of the top of her head. My heart lifted as the situation dulled down.

"Oh. Are you alright? What was wrong? Do you want a drink? I'll get you drink" Johnnie rushed and jumped up, walking into the kitchen before I could answer. I felt really guilty but admired Shannon for not telling Johnnie. If I do tell him then it will be in my own time.

"I'm going to bed now" I told everyone once Johnnie had gathered a glass of water for me.

"Okay. I'll come with you" Johnnie smiled.

"We all know what Johnnie wants" Bryan joked, making sex noises.

I weakly laughed before Johnnie and I walked upstairs.

"You okay?" Johnnie asked as we got into mine and Shannon's room.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I smiled.

"Are you going to take the day of off school?" Johnnie continued, a slight hint of desperation in his voice.

I did want to take a day off of school but I couldn't do that to Johnnie. I was already lying to him and that was bad enough. I should tell him...but I can't. He wouldn't want to talk to me again and without him I was nothing.

"No. I'll be fine" I comforted Johnnie. Fine? Why do I keep saying that word?! It's such a giveaway that everyone is not fine.

"It's all that worrying that's making you throw up. Just relax" Johnnie advised, sitting on the end of my bed as I did the same.

"I suppose" I hesitantly agreed.

"You'll be great. Tomorrow will be just like any other day. You'll still have us at the end of the day so who cares about the mean kids?" Johnnie spoke after kissing me on the cheeks.

"Same goes for you" I replied, now kissing him on the lips.

"Okay then. You're tired and we both have school so I'll see you in the morning" Johnnie jumped up from the bed with a grin on his face.

"Cool. Goodnight" I chirped.

"Night beautiful" Johnnie said, closing the door carefully after. I could always count on Johnnie to be amazing.

The next morning

After getting up, packing my bag and making myself presentable, I was ready to go to Hell. Johnnie being Johnnie was obviously amazing and waited for me as I was getting ready. We both said bye to Kyle (who didn't go to our school) and Bryan (who didn't go to school overall.) The only person we didn't say bye to was Shannon because she was tagging along with us as it was her first day at our school.

"Is everyone alright?" Shannon nervously asked. I wasn't going to lie and neither was Johnnie.

"No. They're so judgemental. Just ignore it though. It's what me and Alex do" Johnnie honestly told Shannon.

"No one is going to like the person who is new in the last year of school" Shannon complained.

"No ones going to like you anyway. You're friends with us - the Emo freaks." I blurted out. Woops, I was meant to make her less nervous.

"Well if being friends with you guys makes me unpopular, then being unpopular is what I'll do" Shannon grinned, becoming more optimistic...I wonder when the last time I was optimistic was.

"Awww" I smiled.

After walking to school, we arrived in form and, of course, there was huge talk about "the new kid."

Sitting down in form, everyone was looking at Shannon's ever changing hair colour (right now being half green and half black.)

"She's another Emo"

"Great....another Emo"

"And I thought the school would actually stop letting in Emo's"

These phrases were echoed around the room before the teacher entered the room. Miss looked at Shannon with digust.

"You're the new pupil?" Miss asked.

"Yes" Shannon replied.

"Stand up and give us a presentation about you" Miss demanded. I should have told Shannon that not even the teachers like us at this school.

"That's not necessary. I'm pretty sure everybody gets the picture" Shannon smiled, trying to be polite.

"Did I ask if it was necessary? No. So do the presentation" Miss spoke, looking like she had a bitter taste in her mouth.

"Yeah, I think it's necessary. I want to know" Betty glanced over with a smug look.

"Fine" Shannon shrugged off, walking to the front of the class.

"Hey there, I'm Shannon and I'm new here. I recently moved in with Alex and Johnnie with a bunch of others and I have a YouTube channel" Shannon openly admitted. I admired her strength and confidence.

"Ew" Lynn laughed.

"Is that it? What interests you?" Miss interviewed.

"Hmm....bands and music" Shannon simply replied.

"Bands and music?! Is that all Emo's are into?" One of the guys shouted out before everyone in the class laughed.

"Sit down" Miss instructed.

Shannon did, with a mixed expression on her face. An expression of hurt and maybe confusion. She did not know the half of what was coming in her direction and this made me nervous...


Hey!! New chapter done! I'm thinking about bringing Jordan in the story, what would you guys think? Other news, the new Ghost Town album is amazing!! 7/7 on Instagram!! 😱😱😱

Shoutout for this chapter goes to @notexactlycrazy for awesome ideas and even better comments <3


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