Chapter 28

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Shannon's P.O.V

I didn't understand what I did wrong. Yes, I've been called names before but not on the first day. It aggravated me that this is what Johnnie and Alex go through a daily basis. No wonder why Alex did what she did. Johnnie and Alex had a strong relationship and if they can get through this everyday for the majority of their school lives than they can get through anything. I'm surprised that they can be so upbeat on camera.

"Bells gone, let's go to first lesson" Alex wearily smiled at me.

I was going to have a hard time adjusting to this lack of respect. I understand that I am not the president or anyone special but I am still a human being.

"Okay" I agreed, grabbing my bag from under the desk and throwing it on my bag. Johnnie lead the way with me and Alex following.

"What do you have for next lesson?" Alex asked me as she stopped and stepped to one side. She looked genially scared. I always knew that from a young child she had social anxiety but it's escalated from then. It's like she can barely cope around her boyfriend and friend. Her anxiety must be off the charts when we're not there and she's alone. I feel so bad. Do the others know how bad Johnnie and Alex have it? I sure hope they do because they don't get enough credit.

"English" I answered her back after I searched through my timetable that I got earlier.

"We're in the same class. Johnnies got science though" Alex smiled, remembering Johnnies timetable.

"Yeah, I've got to go as well. Bye" Johnnie exited before waving and then keeping his head down.

"Bye" Me and Alex spoke in sync.

Walking to our next lesson, which was across the school, we had a conversation about the next My Digital Escape video.

"It's going to be so funny" I laughed.

"Yeah. The only downfall is the rest of the school know about the videos and constantly take the piss" Alex rolled her eyes.

"Hmm...I suppose. It's going to be a bit awkward settling in...won't it?" I suggested, coming to the tragic truth.

"Yeah but you'll be fine. Not many people go on about mine and Johnnies videos anymore. Just a little bit. No one really did mention my videos as much as Johnnies" Alex honestly told me.

"I feel bad for him" I replied while we were still walking to class

"So do I" Alex spoke

Eventually walking into class, Alex found her way into her seat.

"Hello? I'm new, where do I sit?" I asked the teacher. She had short blonde hair and smiled a lot.

"Wherever you want" She continued to smile at me.

"Thanks" I showed my gratitude before sitting down next to Alex who, luckily, had a spare seat next to her. This teacher seemed nice, unlike the majority I've met already.

After a few comments and the remainder of the lesson, it was time for lunch.

"Let's go" Alex chimed when the bell went so I grabbed my bag and followed her towards the cafe.

"Where's Johnnie?" I asked, feeling like a lost puppy because I was constantly following her around with a confused and scared expression.

"He'll be down there" Alex informed me.

"Good" I mumbled.

The cafe was full of plenty of people who looked at me with disgust. I just ignored it and walked forward to Johnnie who was sitting alone at a table.

"Hi" I smiled at him.

"Hey, enjoying your first day?" Johnnie asked as I took a seat next to him and Alex took a seat opposite him.

"I don't know. It's fun spending time with you guys. I'm sure I'd love school if the people were a bit more..." I said, trying to come up with the word that was not coming to my head.

"Kind?" Johnnie suggested

"To put it the polite way" I laughed, getting out my lunch from my bag which was a sandwich and a packet of crisps.

Throughly speaking and enjoying our lunches with no one saying anything we made our way to our next lesson which we all had together.

"Finally not being ditched! I swear you guys have planned it" Johnnie joked. Johnnie and Alex were walking, holding hands, through the school hall. I was still following because I had no idea where we were going.

"No, it's just that us girls stick together" I commented.

"Yeah" Alex agreed.

With that, Alex's whole face turned pale. It was as if she wanted to run as far and as fast as possible. I could practically hear her pounding heart through her chest. Her breathing because shaky so it was obvious she was scared. I looked at her direction of sight. Three girls were walking straight towards us. They wore similar clothes and were caped in makeup so I figured that they must be popular.

I didn't get scared though. Should I? It was only a few months until we left school so what was the point? I just continued to walk on, as did Alex and Johnnie. Johnnie didn't seem to care, he was just focuses on Alex.

"Come on. We'll go the long way around" Alex begged, tugging on Johnnies hand.

"Fine" Johnnie huffed, not wanting to upset Alex but it was clear that he was getting annoyed at how upset Alex was getting. I walked next to them as they turned around.

"Aww, I don't think they like us" One girl spoke.

"No, it's appears that they don't" A second one commented before the third one laughed.

Johnnie turned around, so I did, which then meant that Alex had turned around.

"Why do this? Can't you see that you've won? We clearly don't like you and you don't like us so why continue?" Johnnie asked in maturity. It was the truth. We were older now. This type of behaviour was expected from ten year olds, not seventeen.

"Won? Do you think this is a game? No. It's to make sure that you know your place in the world. You, new girl, what's your name? The one in the middle, who had straight blonde hair, spoke.

"Shannon" I replied with a little attitude. I wasn't one to back down and be made to feel like shit. I was Shannon Taylor and not their person to take the piss out off.

"Well, Shannon, it seems that you've made a bad decision and first impression on us, and you can ask Alex and Johnnie, that's not a smart move to make. We're proposing that you restart this day tomorrow. You wear normal clothes and dye your hair back. You seem like a nice person so hang out with us and you won't need to worry about social status because we are the social status. It's a once in a lifetime chance to social superiority" She smiled while the other two nodded their heads like mindless drones (Muse reference.)

I was shocked at what I was hearing. Since I was young I always wanted to be popular. To not be bullied and the one time I get the opportunity, I am comfortable with myself. I am alright with not being popular but I would love to be. The small girl inside of me, who cried through sleepless nights, was screaming at me to do it. "Be popular!!" She screamed but ditch my friends and my music. To ditch my identity I've worked so hard to figure out. The soul-searching nights for nothing? Surely when they find out I'm pansexual they would demand that I change that too. Maybe that was a good thing? After my last girlfriend and our horrible breakup, surely it would be better to let the past go. I was still not sure because it was who I am.


Sorry for the long wait for an update but here it is. I hope you enjoy the new perspective (panic! at the disco reference). Thanks for all the support still! Mocks are over and I'm so scared for my results but I'll update to help with the nerves just for you guys :'D ~ Tiff xx

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