Chapter 30

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Alex's P.O.V

The bell rang which dismissed the class and signalled the end of the school day. I should have been ecstatic. No more bullies for a day, no more unnecessary comments and no more stupid lessons. I wasn't though. Far from it actually. Johnnie was hurt and it was my fault. As soon as I stepped outside the classroom, with Johnnie ahead of me, I turned to him with a look of desperation on my face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Wait until we're away from everyone else" Johnnie told me. I couldn't wait though. If I hurt him then surely I should know about it I bit my tongue though because I understand that it was a conversation that should be in privacy.

"Okay" I said.

After a few awkward silences and about twenty minutes, all three of us were alone and walking through the woods we passed on our school journey.

"So, what's up?" I asked, trying to lighten the air by sounding happy.

"Just...what they said back there. Am I controlling you? Is that what it looks like?" Johnnie panicked. This was what it was all about. The comments made in class earlier. When they're insulting me then it's just me who's hurting but when they "speak for me" while insulting Johnnie...that's uncalled for. Johnnie always helped me and now it's time for me to help him by being as honest as I could.

"Controlling me? Really! You're the reason I'm still here today. You've helped me overcome so much. Yes, I do still have certain issues but who doesn't? I'm a happy girl because of you. Because of Shannon! Because of everyone at MDE! You and Shannon today helped me a lot and I haven't even been scared that many times. When I'm around you, Johnnie, the issues and the social anxiety goes away and it feels so good. I love you with every part of my being and to have them say something like that is pathetic. I should have said something" I trailed off. Every word and emphasise made was true. He did help me through a lot. I wish I could have these outbursts more often so I could express what he truly meant to me.

"No. You shouldn't have. I understand how hard a normal conversation is for you let alone sticking up for someone. I can do that myself but I didn't because I thought it was true. What's the point in defending myself if I didn't know I was doing it? I don't want to control you. I want to help you through the situations that I couldn't handle before. The only reason I'm helping you so much is because you've had it worse than me and you've always been more affected by it than me. I've been through all the emotions and I've come to the point where I'm not like that anymore. You may feel worthless but you're not. Society has just got to you...that's all...and when you reach the same point I have, you'll be over the moon. I can't wait for the day you see what I see so that you know how truly beautiful you are" Johnnie continued with desperation in his voice. He was so sweet. I wish I was like him. I wish I could be as confident as him but I knew I couldn' a few years time hopefully?

"That's so sweet" I could only express. The happiness that I got from him was overwhelming. I was speechless.

"Well guys, you're fine and your relationship is as strong as a relationship could be. Don't listen to them. They've been starting on you for how long? It's time you stand up to them" Shannon said in a sturdy voice.

"I know I should but it's easier said than done" I replied.

"I know that and we'll help you get to that point" Shannon offered.

"Yeah. I'll help you. We'll help you. You're strong minded. Through all of the situations you're in right now you haven't resorted to self harming like you used to. That proves that you've grown as a person. I'm so proud of you" Johnnie smiled, grabbing me and pulling me into a hug.

Behind me I could see Shannon look awkwardly to the ground because she knew. She knew that Johnnie shouldn't be proud of me. I was self harming. I said to her that I would stop and in my mind I will but I wish I could convince myself. I've told myself this so many times. I closed my eyes and hugged Johnnie back. I just felt so bad lying to him but I couldn't tell him the truth. He wouldn't leave me because we had been through it before but he would think less of if I couldn't handle anything....I suppose in certain cases I can't but I didn't want special treatment. I didn't want Johnnie to worry about me.

"Yeah. I love you" I said to Johnnie.

"I love you too" Johnnie replied before we released from our hug and he grabbed me and threw his lips down on mine in romantic passion.

"Come on lovebirds otherwise we're going to have Bryan saying how we're late for the new video" Shannon laughed.

"True" I agreed, smiling as I still remembered the kiss.

With me and Johnnie holding hands, Shannon turned to us and asked us something.

"I've got this guy I'm talking to" Shannon firstly told us.

"Ohhh la laaa" I giggled, still walking home.

"Not like that. He's Tyler Hagen. His music is great and he does loads of videos. You'll love him" Shannon grinned like a love sick teenager.

"Just like you do?" Johnnie joked. Shannon turned bright red and it was obvious that she liked him.

"What about Diego?" I asked. I'm pretty sure that they had a thing.

"We're just friends but Tyler and I are closer. It's like he understands me. We're just friends best friends" Shannon smiled.

"Maybe even boyfriend and girlfriend?" I suggested.

"Maybe...not yet though" Shannon blushed.

"Awwww" Me and Johnnie said in unison before stepping into MDE's house.

"Hello!!! We're hommmeeee" I practically sang. I have no idea what put me in such a great mood. It was a terrible day but being with Shannon and Johnnie just put me in such a great mood.

"Hey" Meghan replied as she started walking upstairs. The amount of people in the house should have been overwhelming but it wasn't. People were still missing and there would never be enough people until everyone joined.

With that thought the phone rang.

"Hello?" Johnnie answered.

"Yeah? You're coming? To move in? With who? Oh okay. Can't wait. I'll see you soon" Johnnie spoke until he hang up the phone and smiled at me.

"Guess we'll be seeing more people moving in after all" Johnnie turned to me and Shannon and spoke.


I'm so sorry that I literally took forever to update but I've been so busy and upset and I couldn't do it. I'm sorry but I hope you enjoy this update <3 Love you guys for everything you do because you make it worth writing this story <333

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