Chapter 33

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Kyle's P.O.V


I climbed from the sofa and went to the door. Opening it, I was immediately filled with joy.

"Jeydon!! Hey!!" I smiled, pulling him for a hug.

"Hey!" He replied with the same enjoyment as me.

"You finally here to stay?" I asked, intrigued.

"Yeah! I'm here to stay" Jeydon confirmed.

"Awesome. Come on it then dude" I instructed as he stepped into the house.

Alex's P.O.V

Aside from the raging headache I had, and the fact that I had no recollection as to what happened the night before, I was okay. All I could remember was drinking champagne...a lot of champagne. Was Johnnie even there? Wasn't I meant to be on a date with him? I wasn't so sure...

Groaning, I got up from my bed and walked to the door. What even was the time? I checked the clock...1:30PM!! Wow...I surely have to go downstairs and let the rest of the MDE members know I am alive.

With the disliking of sunlight, I grudgingly walked downstairs. As soon as I entered the living room I wanted to go back upstairs into hibernation. Laughter sounded like drilling through my head. I know I was being miserable but I never realised that a hangover could hurt this much. I'm never drinking again. What even happened last night? I can't and don't want to remember.

Looking around I see Bryan, Shannon, Johnnie (who looks in as much pain as me), Kyle and Jeydon. Wait? Jeydon was here?

"Hi" I groaned. I was so happy that Jeydon was here and I wish I could show that I was excited but I couldn't. I just wanted to die. This hangover, more like death, left me incapable of showing any emotion other than pain.

"Hello. Are you alright?" Shannon laughed.

"Hmm" I mumbled before I slowly walked across the room and sat on the end of one of the sofas.

"Alex I am so sorry. I feel like I am dying so I'm sorry for offering you alcohol. It will never happen again" Johnnie apologised as he was barely able to lift his eyes.

"It's fine. I'm never going to accept it again" I weakly turned over to him and smirked.

"You may be dying now but you guys were hilarious last night! Jumping everywhere and being sick everywhere. You also couldn't keep your hands off of each other. Literally snogging in front of us all. It was so funny" Bryan pointed out as everyone, but me and Johnnie, laughed.

"So that's why I've hickeys all down my neck" I thought out loud. Whoops...I didn't mean to say it out loud. Oh well, there was no hiding them anyway.

"And that's also why I can't get the taste of sick out of my mouth" Johnnie admitted. I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth either.

"Now Jeydon is here, and Jordan is also coming here soon, I say a new video is needed" Bryan spoke.

"Eugh...can't we do it when I'm better? Never mind, this hangover isn't going anywhere" I weakly replied.

"Let me just put on makeup and then I'll grab the camera" Shannon said before she got up the sofa and grabbed me.

"Why am I coming with you?" I asked.

"Because you've still got sick all over you clothes and I'll do your makeup for you because I assume you want to look at least half decent on video" Shannon explained.

"Thanks but I'll try and do it myself. Although I am most certainly dying I can still do my makeup" I smiled.

"Okay. Do you know what's good for a hangover?" Shannon asked me.

"No. I've never been drunk before. This was my first and last time" I replied.

"Drinking. Just get drunk more and then you won't feel the hangover" Shannon cheekily smiled.

"What? No.." I started to object.

"I'm kidding. What is good is actually some fresh air and water" Shannon suggested.

"Yeah. I'll go for a walk or something later" I told Shannon. Anything to get rid of this headache that won't leave.

After around half an hour we were ready to be filmed (well I was still concerned with my life but Johnnie and I still managed to look half decent.)

"Hi there escapers! I'm here with Shannon, Alex, Johnnie, Kyle and Jeydon! Yeah, Jeydon is here for the long-run and he will be doing more video for us" Bryan was explaining but all u could think about was how bright the light, that shined on us so it makes the video more brighter, was.

"So this video is just going to be an overall plan that we are hoping will happen and we wanted to show you guys" Bryan still continued to explain.

"Yeah. Now 6 out of 7 MDE members live in the same house we figured we would try and get Jordan over here so more videos can be done with all of us" Shannon took over from Bryan.

"Luckily he said yes" Jeydon added.

"So our plans will be going forward and everyone will live in the same house" Kyle grinned.

" guys are a bit quiet. Hmm...I wonder why?" Bryan pretended to be stuck with the question as he made it obvious something was up with us.

"I'm fine" Johnnie spoke, still holding his head presumably because his headache hadn't gone. Mine was easing up but not over yet.

"That's not what you were saying last night! He was climbing around everyone, running around, nearly falling asleep on the bush and was sick everywhere!" Kyle laughed, talking to the camera.

Johnnie giggled too, "I was annoying, wasn't I?" He spoke.

"Alex was just as bad. A little date with a little alcohol was what I was told about last night but it seems there was a bottle too much on the date" Bryan now joked around.

With Johnnie and I laughing, memories of last night, few that I actually remember, was shared with the audience...whoops. It was funny though.

After the recording was done, and video was edited, it was uploaded with the title "Alex and Johnnie got drunk?" I guess the plans for the future missed it on its title there. Just after the video was uploaded, I went outside with a water bottle and started walking with Shannon as she said that these were good hangover cures.

"So, do you think you'll be okay now? With everyone in the house" Shannon asked once we had got further from the house.

"I'm okay now as it is" I pointed out. Overall, I did feel so much better when I was with My Digital Escape but I understand that I can't be around them 24/7

"You can't stay off of school forever. What are you going to do when you go back?" Shannon asked.

"Ignore them and come home to you guys. If I feel bad I can just see you" I suggested.

"Yes! Do that because I am here for you" Shannon warmed up to me just like the weather now did.

"I will" I said as we passed an old oak tree.

As the air was filled by talk about food, plans, boys, the rest of MDE and everything else, we walked along with my hangover disappearing.

Strangely, about school, I felt optimistic. It was like I didn't actually care what anyone said or did. I was the only one who needed to be happy with myself and I was. Nobody else's opinion mattered but mine. I also had the pessimistic voice that wanted to be heard. The one that told me all that would change at school. With only a little bit left of school, could I be fine? Would I be fine? I didn't know. I guess I'll find out when I go to school.

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