Chapter 5

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Alex's P.O.V

"Hey!" I yelled as my mum walked through the door. I ran up to her and hugged her tightly - glad that she's back to save me from boredom.

"Hi, what's wrong?" My mum asked me, half-laughing.

"Nothing! It was just so boring!" I admitted to her.

"Right, well you could have tidied up" my mum said in a joking way. That was the proper mum thing to say.

"I was bored but I wasn't kill-me-now bored" I told my mum grabbing the bags of shopping she had in her hands and put them on the kitchen counters.

"Thanks" my mum said.

"So, what are you doing later? I was thinking we could chill and watch a movie tonight." My sister told me from behind with more bags of shopping.

"About that....I was kind of going to ask if you could help me." I said hesitantly.

"With what?" my sister asked kindly while putting the bags on the counter while my mum started to unpack them.

"Well, Johnnie asked me to go to the fair with him for a date so I was wondering if you could drop me off there and give me advice" I asked my sister. She always knew what to say.

"Okay, let's talk about it somewhere more private" She whispered whilst tilting her head towards our mum. If my mum knew that I was going on a date with Johnnie she would be overly-enthusiastic and annoying; my sister knew this.

"Fine" I told my sister, showing her to my room. I took a seat on my bed and opened a can of Peace Tea before taking a sip.

"Want one?" I offered my sister one - it wasn't like I was going to run out.

"No thanks. I don't like them that much" she told me as I put the extra can back to one of my stashes of them.

"How can you not like Peace Tea?!" I asked, sounding a little hurt.

"How can you like Peace Tea?" She countered my argument.

"Because it's amazing and is my one true love" I joked.

"Well, talking about one true loves, when is Johnnie picking you up?" She asked me.

"At 8" I replied.

"I think you should wear something casual, like what you would wear to school, because he is taking you to a fair - not some sort of posh restaurant. He also wants you to be you and wear what you usually wear." She told me rather honestly and I thought all of it was true.

"Okay, I'm just going to wear my All Time Low top and my ripped black jeans" I told my sister as she smiled and left me to get on with it.

I got dressed and started to sort out my makeup. I wanted to look pretty for Johnnie but I was ugly so I didn't know how that was going to work. I applied foundation, eyeliner and put on my false eyelashes. Eventually, I put on some very pale pink lipstick. I told my mum where I was going and she was so happy and, like I said she would be, over-enthusiastic. I then sat in my room, with my black Ghost Town jacket, waiting for Johnnie to text me that he was outside.

Knock knock!!

I grabbed my jacket and put it on (I didn't want anyone knowing about my mistake, let alone Johnnie). I hurried to the door and opened it. Johnnie was there, dressed in his panic! at the disco top and ripped black jeans, holding a rose in one hand.

"For you" he smiled as he gave it to me.

"Aww, come in. I got to tell my mum I'm going out. I also better put this in water" I told Johnnie, taking a step to the side so then he could get in. "I couldn't wait! I'm glad we're going to the fair." I said from the kitchen, putting water in a flask and the flower in it, while Johnnie was in the living room.

"It's going to be awesome" he sounded excited. We eventually said goodbye to my sister and mum and we entered Johnnie's car.

"Panic! at the disco?" Johnnie asked me

"Sure" I smiled as The Ballad Of Mona Lisa played in the car.

We both finish up our little duet with laughter and sarcastic compliments of how good our voices are when we arrive to the fair. The bright colours seem more drastic against the night sky. So many good memories of mine have been because of the fair so it was amazing that I could have a good memory with Johnnie here. Kids screaming and laughing was all I could hear. Passing past the rides, I could hear different tasteless music the rides were playing. I pulled down my jacket slightly in an attempt to stay warm as soon as I saw my breath in the cold Octobers night.

"This is going to be fun" Johnnie told me.

"I know, bumper cars?" I asked, letting out the inner child in me. I grabbed hold of one of Johnnies arms and laid my head on his shoulder as we walked to the bumper cars. As soon as we walked past the carts, the smell of popcorn and candy floss hit me.

"Want some candy floss?" Johnnie asked, distracted from the bumper cars.

"Alright" I agreed and then I saw Johnnie getting out money.

"I can pay for it, don't worry" I said as I reached in my pocket to get out money.

"No, I'm paying, tonight must be perfect for you" he said smiling at me and then handing the cashier money. The woman handed one candy floss to me and the other to Johnnie.

"Thanks" I said as I ate my candy floss, feeling a little bad for not paying myself. The popping sensation on my tongue bought back a flood of good childhood memories.

"No problem. Now let's eat these and go on the bumper cars!" Johnnie told me in enthusiasm. I easily matched this straight away.

After many rides and Johnnie winning me a small bear holding a love heart (which I loved!), we eventually ended up on the Ferris wheel. It was nearing the end of the night so the crowd started to scatter and it was only us about to go on the Ferris wheel.

"Last ride for tonight because we're closing. Have fun" the attendant, who was a little older than us, told us and we grabbed each other's hand as we sat on the wheel.

I was quite scared because I hated heights but with Johnnie by my side it was alright. As it slowly got higher and higher, I could see more of the scenery. I loved the scenery at night: lights illuminating the place, the rare car going past and a few people making their way back home. It was a special moment. I looked at Johnnie, right in his beautiful piercing eyes, and smiled.

"What? Why do you keep smiling?" He laughed, still holding my hand.

"Because I think this is the happiest moment of my life" I told him honestly.

"I know this is mine" Johnnie said, getting closer and closer to me. I slowly got closer to him until we were near each other's faces. I closed my eyes, titled my head slightly and let Johnnie velvet lips touch mine. As cliché as this is, I felt fireworks. My heart exploded in my chest from too much happiness. We kissed for a couple of minutes, not caring who was watching us until we finally stopped as reached the bottom of the Ferris wheel. We both got of the wheel and started to walk towards his car.

"Thanks" I kept repeating myself.

"Why? I haven't done anything" Johnnie look confused.

"For everything: this date, the candy floss, the bear. It is the best night of my life"

"It's all because I love you" He said, taking my I his arms and putting his lips onto mine again.

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