Chapter 34

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Alex's P.O.V

Packing away all the recording equipment, I was feeling a little better. That walk cleared up my mind and made me feel...well...not like I was going to die. I sat on the sofa as comments were read out loud by Shannon.

"Omg! That's an awesome idea for all of you to live together! More videos!!"

"Johnnie and Alex drunk! This is too funny"

We're a couple comments. The majority of comments centred around Johnnie and I which made me laugh.

"We were thinking of going out and drinking tonight and, seen as you guys are obviously experts, we thought that we could all have a night out to relax" Bryan suggested. Me and Johnnie shared the same expression of disgust as the thought of drinking bought the flavour of sick in my mouth.

"I'll pass" I quickly replied.

"That's rubbish. So it's just going to be us" Kyle got up from his seat and pointed at Shannon, Bryan, Jeydon and himself.

"Just because I'm not going doesn't mean that Johnnie can't go" I pointed out.

"Johnnie?" Kyle asked.

"Way too soon to be drinking. I've only just recovered" Johnnie was adamant in his words.

"Okay then. You guys still up for it?" Kyle looked over at Shannon, Bryan and Jeydon who immediately nodded their heads.

"It'll be awesome" Jeydon said in an excited tone.

"We'll get ready then" Shannon spoke before everyone walked upstairs.

"What should we do tonight then? Get some pizza and watch a movie?" Johnnie asked.

"Sounds perfect" I smiled and then pecked him on the lips.

*later - SMUT! You have been warned*

Whatever was on the TV was seemingly unimportant in this exact fraction of time. It blared out sounds in an incoherent manner that didn't interest us at all. The colours and the shapes were too just...part of its existence as a rectangle with electrical fuels. I could feel his humming against my neck as he let his hands roam all over my body trying to test how long I could hold out until I broke down. To be honest, I wondered if this was his first time too. But those thoughts were strewn around my mind in the dark corners that would peek out later on tonight as his hand slipped down my jeans. At first encounter with the skin of his palm and the skin of my (ahem) core that sat under the thin fabric of my underwear, it felt weird let's leave it at that. But at the same time I yearned for more contact. Johnnie obviously sensed this when he felt me lean up into his palm and the tiny noises from my lips made it obvious.

The bastard smirked before ripping his hand from where I needed it most. Instead he decided to stroke my cheek while passionately lip locking with me. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying myself. Granted that this was all new to me but still. I needed more and I needed it now. Swiftly, he slid my undone jeans down and off of my thin, pale legs before working my panties down in the same fashion. before they were both thrown to the other side of the room. It didn't take long for my top and my bra to follow the same pattern. And for his clothes too.

So here we were. We stared into each others eyes as he slowly pushed in and pulled back at a steady pace. We had already made it clear that we were virgins so we decided to take it slow and make this first time a love making instead of a quick fuck. I could stay like this forever. His beautiful sea blue eyes stared down into mine, making it seem like life was such a beautiful thing. That if you blinked, you'd miss the beauty in a second. His arms stayed by the sides of my body as he kept pushing in and out, keeping it steady but speeding up a bit. From down here, I could see his lips begin to tremble and his expression to twist as he hit the end of the road, pushing me over the edge into a void of euphoria.

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