Chapter 29

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Alex's P.O.V

"Okay" Shannon said.

"Okay? You'll do it?" She asked again, looking sort of shocked.

"Yeah. I'll do it" Shannon agreed. She then turned her head at me with no hint of guilt in her face.

"Good. We'll see you tomorrow" They squealed at Shannon as she waved goodbye.

How could she? After everything we done for her. How? We're My Digital Escape. We're family. I was speechless. There was nothing that I could say which would make the situation better than what it was.

"Liste-" Shannon started speaking, probably trying to justify her decision but I wasn't listening to any of it. After everything that we've been through. Everything that she knows about me and she goes and does this.

"No! We won't listen. We're family. How do you think we can continue with My Digital Escape if you go with the people that have caused me and my girlfriend grief for the majority of our lives!" Johnnie raised his voice whilst pointing his finger in her face. All heads remained turned.

"Listen! I'll text you later and I'll talk to you out of school. It's important. Just let me private" Shannon tilted her head at the people who watched in anticipation.

"Fine. Only for a little bit." Johnnie spoke, leading me and Shannon to a discreet part of school. I knew this is where Johnnie and Alex spent at lunch and break for time alone; away from everyone.

"I'm not ditching you. It's the opposite actually" Shannon started to explain. I was going to remain quiet because I was still in shock. I would let Johnnie speak for me because he was nearly always correct.

"What? You think going off with the people that call us and you freaks, isn't ditching us? Of course you can have other friends but them...really?" Johnnie pointed out.

"I'm not going off with them! I'm letting them think that have won. Tomorrow I'm going to turn up in all black, all black hair and black lipstick and it's just to prove a point! When they ask what is going on, I will tell them that we can be whoever we want to be. We allow them to be who they want to be so they can have the respect and decency to let us be who we want to be" Shannon explained her plan out thoroughly.

So she wasn't going to leave us? This was all planned. All to make a point. It was one of the sweetest things that anyone has ever done for me.

"Let them think they're winning when, in reality, they are not" Shannon smiled.

"Oh" Johnnie simply said.

"I can't believe you actually thought that I would do that to you guys. Never would I put you through that. I'm not that much of a bitch" Shannon laughed.

"Yeah, I know. That's why I was shocked when you said that you would go with them" I finally decided to talk.

"Well you ain't going to get rid of me that easily. Come on, we'll go to next lesson" Shannon made another joke out of it before we all laughed and walked to next lesson.

*during the lesson*

Alex's P.O.V

The teacher was talking and, luckily, we were allowed to decide where we picked because it was a cover teacher who had no seating plan. To my surprise, everyone was actually getting on with their work so the lesson didn't seem to drag on as much as usual.


The phone echoed around the largely cramped classroom as the cover teacher, who I had no idea what his name was, rushed to it.

"Hello" He greeted.

After a few "hmm"s and "yeah"s the teacher spoke.

"I have to go quickly. You've been good so far so I can trust you...just behave" He warned as he walked out the door.

As soon as the door closed, everyone turned their heads towards us. My anxiety was peaking and I didn't know how to deal with it but Johnnie grabbed me hang under the table, as if he knew what I was thinking, in an effort to comfort me.

"Why is everyone staring?" Shannon asked everyone. She was the more confident side of me that I wish everyone knew and saw.

"Just wondering why you are sitting with them. Word spread quickly and we all know that you're going to be hanging around with people that aren't freaks. So why still sit with the freaks?" Some guy, who was probably a jock or something, suggested.

"Yeah, I can't wait till you dress alright. You'd be so pretty" Another boy spoke.

"Then maybe you would get more boyfriends" A girl spoke narcissistically.

"Well she's with us today because she is dressed as a, what you call, freak and then tomorrow she can do whatever because she clearly doesn't like us" Johnnie acted. It was surprising how good he could act. Maybe from all those years of telling everyone that he was fine when he really wasn't but, then again, I couldn't really talk about that.

"I suppose" The "audience" cautiously spoke.

"How about you let Alex speak? What does she think of it? Johnnie, you control her all the time" Diana, who was quite well known, suggested. My heart stopped. Why mention me? I'm fine. I don't want anything to do with it. The heat rose to my cheeks and I looked down throughout habit.

"Ermm...he's...not controlling" I said quietly. Why couldn't I be like Shannon? I used to be like her. It was so frustrating!

"Really? Why don't you talk then?" Diana smirked, knowing full well why I didn't talk. I didn't talk due to them. My confidence was knocked down because of them. Why should I talk to them? I only talk and act who I am around my family and the escapers. I wish that I could escape right now.

"There's not much to say" I looked up and talked in a normal volume. This was how "rude" I got.

Just as Diana was about to open her mouth, to insult me more likely, the teacher walked in.

"Thank you so much for not messing around. I'm sorry but it was important. Now, where were we?" The teacher sounded rushed and out of breath.

The lesson continued as if nothing had happened but my hand still remained in Johnnies. Johnnie looked upset, like he was really hurt, and I just wanted to hug him and make sure he was alright but I couldn't. I could see if he was alright though.

"You okay?" I whispered.

"Yeah" He smiled. His smile was so fake. Was it this obvious when I faked mine?

"And the truth?" I asked.

"We'll talk about it outside" Johnnie told me, not looking at me but at the board like he didn't care.

"No, now. Just tell me" I demanded.

"Later" Johnnie sounded firm as if his decision was the final decision.

"Fine" I bitterly agreed, taking my hand away from his.

The ending of the lesson was only twenty minutes away but it felt like twenty years.


Thanks guys for the reads, comments and votes. You know how much I love you! Christmas very soon so I hope you have a merry Christmas and a happy new year! Comment some of your favourite presents on the next chapter. I hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks again - Tiffany xx

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