Chapter 32

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Alex's P.O.V

This was all so surreal. All this for me? I would be happy if we had to walk.

"You look amazing tonight" Johnnie smiled, admiring my dress.

"Thanks. This is Meghan's dress that she let me borrow because I have nothing fancy" I laughed.

The lights from inside the limo glistened at the champagne glasse that Johnnie was handing over to me. Johnnie carefully poured the champagne into his glass and mine which must have been hard considering it was quite dark in here, with the blacked out windows, but not too dark that I didn't get to see his handsome face.

"Ohhh! Rebel! Drinking alcohol when you know we can't" I joked, reminding Johnnie of the law that people under 21 could not drink.

"Nobody knows if you don't tell" Johnnie pointed out.

"And I'm not telling anyone" I agreed, drinking some of the drink. I had never had alcohol before, other than the odd drink here and there, and champagne was very nice.

"So, where are you whisking me off to?" I said, flirting slightly.

"You'll find out soon. You're so impatient!" Johnnie told me.

"I know" I smugly replied.

"More?" Johnnie asked, offering the champagne bottle to me.

"Go on then" I agreed, not needing any persuasion.

I couldn't wait and this alcohol was practically drowning the butterflies in my stomach to the pint where I wasn't nervous at all.

*in the restaurant*

"This is way too fancy for us" I whispered, being half-serious and half-joking.

"Yeah, I suppose but it is perfect isn't it?" Johnnie thought out loud.

"Yes" I replied to his question.

"And that is why I bought you here because this night is about you and you are perfect" Johnnie told me, clearing up the connection.

"You're too sweet" I blushed.

"I try" Johnnie smiled.

"You succeed" I informed him.

"Yay!" Johnnie spoke in a child's voice while clapping.

"It's funny because everyone in here are like 50 because it's really expensive and usually 18 year olds can't afford shit like this" I analysed the restaurant.

"Ahah. Well, I want you to get the best treatment...until My Digital Escape stops being popular and we end up not having any money" Johnnie added.

"Ahah, I suppose YouTube isn't really a secure job is it?" I wondered out loud. I hadn't really thought of it as a job until people actually started buying my merch and stuff and I never really thought of what I would like to do with my life. I was only 18 after all.

"Not really but Bryan's like 75 and he's still doing YouTube. Look at it this way, until our fans stop watching us we have a dream job but we also have qualifications to fall back on" Johnnie was messing around with are but about Bryan but was serious after.

"Aha, Bryan 75! You're so mean" I guiltily giggled.

"Hey! He calls me 12" Johnnie reminded me. It was so cute how they always play fight and insult each other when in reality they will always be best friends.

"Aww I ship it" I said.

"Ship what?" Johnnie asked.

"You and Bryan. I'll call it Jyran or Brohnnie" I messed around.

"How about we focus on Johlex and what they're going to eat?" Johnnie asked, making a good point considering we had been chatting for a while and hadn't even glanced at the menu.

"Good point. Thanks" I replied, grabbing the menu that Johnnie was passing over to me.

*after the meal - inside house*

Shannon's P.O.V

After a heartbreaking goodbye from Meghan, I heard laughing from outside. Hysterical laughing.

Opening the door, I saw Johnnie lying in a bush and Alex laughing so hard with a bottle of champagne in her hands.

"What the fuck guys??" I asked them.

"J-Johnnie fell over and then he-" The giggly Alex laughed while then being cut off and throwing up all over herself.

I see what's wrong...they're both drunk. This must be their first time being drunk because they weren't handling it well.

"Shannon, w-what happened?" Alex slurred again once she saw the sick down herself.

"Nothing. Come on, let's get you in" I said to the couple in a patronising time. I did find it hilarious.

After getting both of them in, and Alex being sick all over the sofa and pillows, both of them were continuing to mess around. Waking Bryan and Kyle, Johnnie made sure to aim for the sink when he was sick but failed miserably as it was splattered all over the worktop.

"OMG this is soooo funny!!!!" Kyle practically screamed before he fell on the floor with laughing as tears ran down his face.

"Alex, do you know who I am??" Bryan asked with a camera to Alex's face and a recording on snapchat started.

"Yes Gerard!! I love you" Alex answered while hugging Bryan (well, not hugging, more like leaning on Bryan)

"Gerard who??" Bryan asked again, laughing so hard now while Kyle was still having a laughing fit on the floor.

"Gerard Way of course!! When I was a young boy my father..." Alex started singing Welcome To The Black Parade.

"Where's Johnnie??" Bryan asked, making the rest of us look around.

After searching for only a little bit, we found Johnnie passed out on the kitchen floor.

"Wow...have they been this drunk before?" I asked all of them.

"Not that I can remember" Kyle laughed.

"Alright let's go check out Alex" Bryan suggested.

Turning back into the living room, we were all met with a great sight...the sight of Alex now passed out so that meant we could all go to bed without needing to look after the couple.

"You guys go up, I'll carry them upstairs" Bryan told us.

"Alright" I agreed before going upstairs and falling asleep.

This was too funny. Can't wait for the morning so I can tease them. To be honest, they both needed a night to let their hair down...


I haven't updated in ages! Sorry! Thanks for all the follows and comments!! You guys keep making me smile. Ily all <3 ~ Tiffany

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