Chapter 22

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Alex's P.O.V

"I'm staying" Jeydon spoke in a serious tone. I walked into the room when I heard the answer. I can't believe it! Of course I want him to stay but I thought he would go with Sam and, judging by Sam's face, she thought it to.

"Okay" Sam simply put, noticing I was there but not really paying much attention to it.

"Sorry but I've got to do this. It is my career and it's a MDE project. I can't let them down. We're all in this together" Jeydon tried explaining.

"I know. You don't need to explain. It's fine. I'm fine. I'll still text and Skype you but right now I need to go" San replied, hugging Jeydon.

"Okay. I'll come by and grab my things later and I'll pop into your house for a bit. Then we'll say our proper goodbyes" Jeydon agreed, kissing Sam after.

"Okay. Tell the rest that I've said bye" Sam now turned to me, putting a reassuring arm on my shoulder.

"I will." I told her as I smiled. I was kinda shocked that she was actually going.

"I'll come back to visit and maybe I can move in full time in a few months" Sam talked to me and Jeydon, taking it in turn to look at both of us in the eyes.

"Yeah, sure. Love to have you around" I replied to her.

"Bye" Jeydon whispered through sadness.

"Bye" Sam responded as she walked downstairs and out the front door.

"You alright?" I asked Jeydon. I know some couples can go long without seeing each other but that wasn't Sam and Jeydon. They would constantly we with each other and they live near each other so it's was going to be a huge test of their relationship.

"Yeah. I'll be down soon so I'll be fine" Jeydon whispered again. I took that as a hint to go and leave him alone so I could go down and show Shannon where to place her stuff.

"Hey" I greeted Shannon and Diego.

"Where's Sam going?" Shannon asked, concern in her voice.

"She can't stay right now. I think she's going to move here in a couple if months but I'm not sure" I informed them both as they intently watched my every movement, clearly concerned to where Sam has gone.

"Oh. I hope she comes back. After all, there is a lot of room" Diego now spoke up for the first time.

"Yeah. Were you hoping to move in?" I asked Diego. Considering a lot of people were moving in, maybe Diego thought he could. I wouldn't mind at all because Diego is great fun so it wouldn't bother me either way.

"No. I live about half an hour, by walking, away so it's quite close anyway. I can't be here all the time but it would be great to hang out with you guys sometime" Diego stated, making hand gestures like he was explaining some hard math question.

"Okay. I'm sure you'll be welcome any time" I answered back with a smile.

"Where's the rest of MDE?" Shannon inputted.

"All asleep. They spend all night on YouNow and Snapchat whereas I fall asleep" I laughed with Shannon.

"We'll just have to wait till they're up" Diego told us, smiling as he took a seat on the sofa.


Johnnie's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of laughter coming from downstairs.

"Omg, Diego!!" I heard a familiar but so familiar voice cry out in laughter.

Eugh...I suppose I have to get up now. Shannon's probably here which means they're going to be busy bringing her stuff up. After getting changed, brushing my teeth, brushing my hair and walking downstairs, I was faced with Shannon, Diego and Alex all laughing hysterically.

"Calm down guys! Your happiness is annoying me so much" I said while nudging Alex playfully, flashing her a smile.

"Miserable Johnnie, sounds about right" Alex replied back, getting up and giving me a hug.

"So, how long have you been here?" I turned my head to Shannon and Diego who were snuggling on the sofa in a romantic way. They would be so cute together.

"For..." Shannon started saying before she looked down at her silver watch - moving her wristbands out of the way. "Two hours now!!!" Shannon continued, shocked obviously not realising how long she had been waiting.

"Oh, what's the time?" I asked, curious.

"It's 1pm and I've been here for ages waiting for the famous MDE to wake up!" Shannon complained graciously with a smile on her face.

"Sorry but Bryan's worse because he's still not awake" I correctly pointed out.

"We should just have a chilled day seen as it's a bit too late to do something" Alex laughed as she turned her head towards me in an -accusing manner.

"Whatever" I returned the smile back at her before I sat down next to Alex and put my arm over her shoulder.

"Love you" She spoke, head fully turned towards me with my hands wrapping around her waist.

"Love you too" I replied back, lips close towards each other before they met in great succession.

"Ewwwww" Came a noise from the entrance of the room. Turning my head, I saw Bryan, Jeydon and Kyle pretending to be sick.

"Finally!!!" Shannon got up with huge arm movements and hugged Bryan then Kyle and then Jeydon.

"Glad to see you here" Kyle replied.

"And you" Shannon smiled with her usual friendly face.

"You alright now, Jeydon?" Alex asked.

"Yeah. Its going to be tough but Sam said that she will try her hardest to come back here. She only reckons a couple of months and she'll be back" Jeydon told all of us now.

"Congrats. You'll be fine with a couple of months and you'll be too busy having fun with us" Bryan comforted him.

"Yeah" I agreed with Bryan. I hate seeing Jeydon upset like this.

"It's finally feeling a bit more like a home" Alex commented correctly. The more people joining, the more comfort was joining. It's a big house so it didn't feel cramped at all and it couldn't wait till we could tell the Escapers everything and how frequent we were going to be posting.

"We still need one more member to move in. Then it will be home" I told Alex.

"Well, we're kinda going to have two people moving in" Kyle informed everyone nervously, as if we were going to go mental. I was more confused than mad. I wasn't mad at all.

"Really? Who?" Diego asked, interested.

"Jordan Sweeto girlfriend Meghan (I think that how you spell it but correct me if I'm wrong) - if that's alright with you guys" Kyle struggled to say, anticipation in his voice.


"Of course it's fine"


"Can't wait"

Were all said in unison by each and every person in the room. A massive sigh of relief escaped from Kyle's mouth.

"Good. Thanks guys" Kyle's smile stretched ear from ear.

"Now it's starting to feel like home" Alex grinned.


IM SO FUCKING SORRY THAT IT TOOK ME A WHOLE ETERNITY TO WRITE THIS CHAPTER!! Loads happened at school and I never felt like updating. I hate being unorganised! I'll try and maintain a routine but it's hard. I'm so sorry 😭 I hope you guys enjoy this and anyone who is still reading my crappy story deserves a cookie so here *hands out cookies* ~ Tiff x

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