Chapter 13.

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When I next wake up, one arm is slung across Harry's chest. He's asleep next to me and the first thing I realize is that I'm a different set of clothes from what I was wearing last night - or what I can remember from at least. I'm slightly reassured that he and I are both fully dressed which means that he didn't take advantage of me like he did last time - which I'm thankful of.

I stare up at Harry, taking in his appearance. His eyelids are covered by thick lashes, his skin is perfect. His mouth is parted a little bit and one arm is rested behind his head, his finger- tips touching his curly locks. He looks so peaceful. So peaceful that I don't want to wake him up. So ever so carefully, I remove myself from him and stand barefoot on the soft carpet. I pad along to the other side of room, where the door is and I'm about to open it up when Harry's phone is buzzing on his bedside table but he's in such a deep sleep that he can't even hear it. I tip-toe along to the table and I pick up the phone. An image of Harry and another girl is displayed on the screen, under the name "Nadine." Nadine is blonde, slim and pretty and about the same age as Harry. Harry has an arm around her and they're both smiling up at the camera. A light-bulb flashes on in my mind somewhere and I know that I've heard that name before, I just don't know where (with a killer headache as a hangover, it's very hard to concentrate) but as I stare at the picture of her on the screen, I start to remember. She was the girl Louis had mentioned once, when I overheard them talking. She was the one Harry got all defensive over when Cassandra mentioned her. Of course, neither Harry nor Louis know that I stalked them and eavesdropped during that meeting so it's not as if I could just pop the question out of nowhere...or can I?

My train of thought is interrupted by the phone buzzing again. It must've went off while I was thinking. I frown at her picture, ready to press "End." When the screen goes black again. I smile in satisfaction as quietly set Harry's phone back down again.

I continue to tip-toe into the kitchen, where the smell of baking grows stronger. As I enter, I see Louis with his back turned to me, hovering over the stove. When he hears he sound of the floor board creaking, he looks up at me. "Oh, hey. Didn't realize you'd be staying the night." Louis admits. He's only dressed in a pair of sweats; his chest and feet bear. Multiple tattoos are visible and he's skinny. It takes me a while to stop gaping at him. I can't help it. I blink away and I see a troubled look on Louis' face.

"Neither did I." I admit and shyly walk over to him, going to the fridge.

"It's okay mate, I can make you extra. There's enough for three. Or you can take Harry's, I'm sure he won't mind." Louis shrugs and I smile thankfully at him.

"Do you have any pain killers?" I ask innocently and he laughs quietly.

"Top cupboard." He answers, gesturing to the brown cabinet.

"Cheers," I say and follow his instructions.

I then sit down and he places breakfast onto a plate in front of me; scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. I munch away almost instantly and I nearly forget about the question that's been in the back of my kind for a while now. "Lou?" I ask innocently.


"Who's Nadine?" I blurt out. Louis freezes, his body tensing. I know I've touched a nerve somewhere and I can feel myself blushing. He's stopped cooking, his tiny frame hovering over the stove. I can't see his facial expression as his back is turned to me, which is infuriating.

"I don't know." He lies and I can't help but snort.

"You're a terrible liar, Lou." I admit and he sighs, running a hand through his hair. But he doesn't reply. "C'mon. You must know who she is, otherwise you wouldn't have reacted the way you did." I tell him. He grabs his own plate and places his own breakfast on it before sitting down opposite me.

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