Chapter 11

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~Kurt's POV~
I opened my eyes and looked around, I didn't sleep too well. I kept waking up during the night because it was so cold, and the rocks and concrete hurt. I looked up at Dave and kissed his cheek "Davey wake upppp" I whispered, Dave whined hiding his face "Ten more minutes" he mumbled. I sighed kissing his cheek "C'mon" I tugged on his arm, I looked over at Rylan when I heard a guitar, "Oh, hey Rylan" he hummed, playing his guitar "Whatcha playing?" He looked at his guitar "Jesus Doesn't Want Me For A Sunbeam."

I nodded, there was an awkward silence. That silence was broken by Rowan, "Rylan get your ass up Raymond's probably wondering where you're at!" "Raymond can go jack off a cactus and then have it shoved up his ass for all I fucking care!!" Rowan and I laughed, I looked at Dave, he was asleep. I shook Dave slightly "Daaaaaaave!" Dave whined pulling me close, Rylan set down his guitar and scooped up some water and splashed it on Dave's face. Dave screamed getting up, he was still holding me. I clung to him for dear life.

Rowan started picking up Rylan's stuff, "Krist wanted me to tell you guys that he went back to the hotel." I nodded, kissing Dave's cheek. Rylan fake gagged "Ew. Romance. Disgusting." Dave laughed "You're just jealous!" He teased, Rylan scoffed "Maybe." He took his duffle bag from Rowan "Just a little bit."


~Raymond's POV~
I sat on the couch half empty bottle of alcohol in one hand, and the other hand going through my hair. Rylan snuck out of the house and he isn't back yet, usually he'd be back by now. Was I too harsh? No. I wasn't. He's gotta learn not to be a total bitch and actually tell me stuff. When he gets back I'm gonna teach him a lesson. And I'm not gonna hold back.


~Rylan's POV~
I grabbed all of my things, said my goodbyes to Rowan, Kurt, and Dave, and started walking. Nowhere specific, I just started walking. My mind started to wander, kinda like me. Except my mind actually goes somewhere, unlike me. I found a spot by a tree and sat down, I should go home not because my stuff is there, (Most of it's with me and some of it is at Rowan's) but because if I'm not there to be Raymond's personal punching bag, he's gonna go after Jason. I would never let something like that happen to Jason, he shouldn't have to go through the hell I'm in.

I started hearing voices, but I didn't recognize them. I looked around. Weird. I was alone for once. So what the fuck was I hearing? I leaned back sighing, the realization finally hit. Voices in it head. Fucking perfect! The last thing I need is voices in my big ass head! I fished around in my pockets for a cigarette and my lighter, frustrated. I had my lighter, but no cigarettes. One thing's always gotta be missing!

Then I remembered something that I always did to calm down.
I grabbed my notebook and a pen and started scribbling down things that frustrate me.

No cigarettes
No lighter
Broken guitar strings
No drummer
Coming up with lyrics
People like Raymond
Rowan judging my songs
Rowan changing my songs
Raymond's face
Anything to do with Raymond

I ripped the paper out and held my lighter up to it. I watched as the paper started burning, I sighed, finally somewhat relaxing for once. Why does that calm me down? I dunno. It just does. I tossed the paper on the ground, it burnt the grass around it but I don't care. I leaned against the tree and closed my eyes, falling asleep.


haha I have so much angst planned :)

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