Chapter 37

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~A couple weeks later~

~Rylan's POV~

I was finally allowed to leave the hospital, Krist drove me back to the hotel after we got ice cream. I looked at him "How's your nose?" He shrugged "Still hurts" I nodded "Ice cream smells nice." He parked the car, then glared at me. His nose was all bruised. I smiled at him.

We walked to our room, Krist helping me up any stairs we had to go up. As soon as got to the room I laid down on one of the beds, "Comfortable beds, oh how I have missed you." Kurt and Dave walked in with Pat, they saw me and ran over to me, Pat stood there not really knowing what to do. They hugged me gently, asking me tons of questions. I yawned, waving at Pat "Hi" I said, "Hey."

"He wanted to meet you, but when we took him to see you the doctors said you weren't responding. Then you flatlined.." Krist explained, looking at the ground. I nodded slightly.

Kurt wrapped his arm around Pat "Rylan, this is Pat. Pat, this is Rylan." I nodded "Where's my guitar?" Dave pointed at the corner, I pouted like a little kid who was told no "Why's it in timeout?" They all laughed, I looked at Dave. He had his wrist in a cast still. I got up and grabbed a marker, going over to Dave and signing the cast. I smiled at him and then went over to my guitar and picked it up, playing a few songs. It was slightly out of tune, but whatever.

"When's the show?" I asked

Kurt shrugged "We had to postpone it a couple days because of the accident."

I nodded, laying on the bed by Krist. I put a pillow in between us so we didn't end up punching each other while we slept. I didn't wanna break Krist's already broken nose.

I slept.



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