Chapter 30

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~Couple months later~

~Rylan's POV~

Kurt, Krist, Dave, Rowan, and I were on our way to the next Nirvana show. We were on a bus with some rando driving us to the show, I was laying on my uncomfy ass bed. I couldn't stay still, I was way too excited. I sat up and climbed up to where I could see Dave and Kurt, "Kurt...Kurt!" I whispered, he sat up yawning, "Yeah..?" I shrugged.
"I can't sleep, I'm bored" he rubbed his eyes "We'll be at the next hotel in the morning, we can do something there. But now, I'm going back to sleep" he flopped back down. I huffed, crawling down to my bed and laying down. I stared at the bed above me, thinking.

My mind began to wander.

I started thinking about Jason. He would've been 16 by now, but Raymond had to leave a fucking cigarette burning.
I haven't smoked for a while, a couple months I think.

I shook my head, sitting up and reaching under my bed to find my bag. I found it and pulled it onto my lap, I dug around for something.
Once I found it I put my bag back under the bed.

It was a teddy bear, well technically a koala. Jason liked Koalas, I was gonna give this to him for his birthday. I shook my head again.

'Quit thinking about Jason! It's been months since the fire, get over it, damnit!' I thought, hugging the koala. I miss him. I'm not over losing Jason, I'm not over losing the last good person in my family. I'm not over it, and that's okay. I'm not gonna be okay instantly, it takes time to heal.
I smiled to myself, that's what the others told me.

But I don't care. I should be over it.

I rolled onto my side, sighing. After a while I fell asleep.



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