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TW: (i don't do warnings anymore for sexual content, but this chapter contains mention of BODY INSECURITIES, starvation, anorexia, etc!!!)

Please read at your own risk!

I got in my car after work, trying not to grin contagiously because half of my coworkers were around and this was embarrassing.

But man, I had just had the best fucking day ever. Sterling loved my nature film that I had recently completed editing. The broken arm was so worth it for those bird shots because they absolutely made my film. My cast was pink and everything, which made it so much more fun to have stuck on my arm. I get it off in two months. The fall that I took from that giant tree was intense. I'm pretty surprised that I didn't like, die.

Bella stopped me in the parking lot, making me roll my window down so she could talk to me.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

I checked the clock on my car radio to make sure that I had enough time to actually make it to where I had to go.

"I'm going to my friend's soccer practice. Then we're going to get lunch, I think. Why? What's up?"

She grinned.
"Are you busy tonight?"

"I don't think so?" I was extremely uncertain. Anything can happen, honestly. I don't really have a strict schedule, but I have weird friends who like to hang out at impulse at the randomest times.

"Remember how I told you that you needed to go to a Stanford party with me?"

I nodded in reply.

"My entire apartment building's throwing one tonight on the floor above me. And I want you to meet my friends. So that means that you should go with me." she offered casually, but I knew it meant a lot to her.

I could suck it up and attend a stupid party for one night and then cross it off my bucket list. A Stanford party, too.

"Sure." I replied.
"Can you text me the details?"

Her jaw dropped at my response, and she hugged me through the car window.
"Yes. I'll send you the details. You rule. I love you."

I laughed as she waved goodbye before heading towards her own car. I rolled the window back up and continued to drive home.

I was going to Devin's soccer practice for probably the last 10-15 minutes, and then we were going to get Whataburger— a special craving between both of us.

But I felt the need to change out of my work clothes and into something less serious for the time being. I'd probably have to change back into something nicer for the party tonight. Sigh.

I drove to the Stanford soccer field, remaining in the car until Devin got finished with his practice. Charlie was here as well. He even threw a shin guard at my windshield to scare me. Fucking idiot.

Devin came out in regular clothes and his hair wet.

"Did you shower?" I asked curiously.

He nodded proudly.
"Sure did. And you're gonna want to thank me for that, honestly."

He got in the car and tossed his shit in the backseat, before leaning his chair back slightly. He normally puts it at a certain spot and then makes a big deal out of me not letting people move it if they ride with me ever. But it's been forever since Devin's been in my car, so the seat has shifted many times from Leo.

He gave me a glare as he adjusted the seat.
"Really, Madison? I can't believe you let someone manhandle my seat."

"Fix it, then." I replied carelessly.
"And I'll make sure to put a sign on it reminding any other passengers not to touch the chair settings."

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