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"Madison, you added too much sugar." Dad snapped critically.

I gave an aggravated look. He should at least be grateful that I was awake and ready enough that I could make his stupid coffee for him while he got ready.

"Dad, it tastes fine." I assured him.
"Sugar's good."

He sighed in realization that he was being overdramatic.
"I'm sorry. You're right. But we're going to be late for this wedding and we'll have to sit in the back."

"I'm ready to go whenever Mom's ready." I shrugged.

The drive to the wedding was long- seriously.
At least a 2 hour drive.
They were getting married at this country club with a really nice looking golf course, and I snagged us seats next to Anna and her parents.

"Where's Josh?" I asked while looking around for him.

"I saw him like three minutes ago. He's doing his weird jittery thing that he did before his drama club performance of Bohemian Rhapsody during freshman year."

I started laughing hysterically as the vision replayed in my mind. He could've vomited, quite honestly, but I'm convinced most of it was him being dramatic.
Josh is like that.

"Where did you get that dress, Maddie?" Anna gaped.
"It's beautiful."

"I got it in San Francisco." I partially lied.
Devin got it for me- but that detail didn't need to be shared.

"Get me one." she continued.
"I'll pay you back for it. I'm talking to this guy at school right now. He's in the airforce and he has some banquet dinner this weekend. That dress would look so good."

"I'll leave it here when I fly home so you can use it." I nodded eagerly.

The ceremony started and Miss Sherry started walking down the aisle of rose petals and daisies that were left behind by a few flower girls. I'm not sure who they were- but their dresses were pink and really cute.

I quickly grabbed my phone and facetimed Devin so he could watch too. He requested it last night.

He picked up the phone and was laying in bed eating a fucking Taco Bell burrito. "Hey, Madison."

The volume practically echoed throughout the peaceful ceremony and my eyes widened as I turned my volume down as low as it would go.

"Mute yourself, dumbass." I whispered.

He made an O shape with his mouth and then followed my directions. Anna held back her laughter at my embarrassed expression.

Josh was walking Sherry down the aisle- which I thought was really sweet. It made me happy to know that the motherly void in Josh's life was finally being filled. He needed this- and so did his Dad.

"Welcome friends, family, and loved ones to the wedding ceremony that is celebrating the next chapter for Mark and Sherry."

Josh shot me and Anna an excited grin from behind the officiant. He looked so put together in his suit and tie with his hair professionally done.

"This has been an anticipated journey for many years. Today is a celebration of companionship- which is brought through love, trust, guidance, and understanding. This is an exciting day for this beautiful couple. May your marriage be blessed in the hands of the Lord- to keep you safe, directed, and happy for time and eternity."

"Do you Sherry take Mark to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?"

Sherry's smile softened. "I do."

"Do you Mark take Sherry to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"These rings represent infinite love and compassion. When you look at these rings throughout the rest of your lives, you will be reminded of the loving sacrifices and commitments that you are making to each other right now." the officiant spoke and handed a ring to Mark.

"Mark, place this ring on Sherry's finger and repeat after me."

I held my phone up slightly higher so Devin could get a better look.

"Sherry, I give you this ring to symbolize my love and support that I hold for you. I promise to love you today, tomorrow, and always forever." he spoke.

Sherry looked gorgeous in her flowy white dress. She smiled at Mark before the officiant asked her to repeat the same vows to him.

"Mark, I give you this ring to symbolize my love and support that I hold for you. I promise to love you today, tomorrow, and always forever."

The rings were exchanged and the officiant spoke again.

"Mark and Sherry, you have pledged to be joined by marriage. You have sealed this pledge with your wedding rings. By the authority vested in me by the great state of Florida, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Mark, you may now kiss the bride!"

Everyone started cheering and clapping and Josh's grandmother shed a few tears.

The after party ended up being equally as wholesome.
Plus, the food was rocking.

I went into the hospital the next morning to try and visit Devin's Dad before my flight.
Truthfully, I didn't know what condition he was in or what I would say to him. I've never been close with either of Devin's parents.

I found the room number after probably ten minutes of getting lost, and a nurse was in there medicating him along with Devin's Mom who was watching intently.

She gave me a confused look when I walked in.
"Hi. What are you doing here?"

I waved and smiled.
"I'm visiting home for a wedding and told Devin I'd come visit the hospital for him and give him updates."

"If he wants to be updated, then he needs to be here himself." she spat coldly.
"He doesn't get to know what's going on when he ran away from home."

I sat down in a chair next to her.
"He's doing really well in school."

"Course he is." she attempted to hide the fact that her anger was softening. "He's a smart boy."

"Soccer season's starting in a few weeks for him."

Her composure remained and she only nodded.
"His grades will go down and he'll get busier. You won't see him as much and he'll be moody when you do."

"I'm not sure." I tried to kindly disagree with her.
"He seems to really have his life together right now."

She stared me down with hatred.
"You don't know him."

I wanted to argue with her- but I knew it wasn't my place.
She's the reason that he left home and went so far away.

"Is he doing any better?" I asked calmly, trying my best to ignore her attitude.

He looked worse- but I really was hoping that there was something remotely positive going on.

"He's unresponsive now." his Mom stated, and I could feel the sadness pressed into her tone.
"He won't make it for much longer."

This is short asf and pathetic but I needed a filler:)
thanks for all the comments btw they mean a lot and they make me laugh u guys are very funny

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