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I got back to my apartment late on Thursday night after a long work shift, throwing my keys onto the kitchen counter carelessly.

The bar was packed tonight, and I hated having to deal with that many drunk people in one location. It's pretty damn torturous.

Maddie had been trying to call me for hours, so I called her back while looking for something to eat in the kitchen. Travone left a few days ago to go home, and I haven't gone grocery shopping.

We were out of everything, and I was fucking starving.

She answered after a few rings and I put her on speaker so I could dig through the fridge.

"Come pick me up."

"Are you back?" I asked in disbelief, throwing away an open can of beer that's been sitting back here for 4 months.

She isn't supposed to fly back until late Sunday night. It's Thursday.

"Yeah." she replied simply, giving no explanation at all.

Should I be concerned?

I grabbed my keys and drove over to her dorm, regardless. I even brought her cat with me, since I've been babysitting him all week while she's been gone.

He started scratching at my seats not even a minute into the drive, so I had to hold him in my lap. Then he started scratching and clawing at me. I almost threw the damn thing out the window, but Maddie would kill me if I actually did that.

I got to her dorm building and she met me outside, wearing a white pullover and a short black skirt. Jesus fucking christ.

I got out of the car to hug her since it's been a long ass week. Kind of. Not really.

She kissed me about 4 times and squeezed the hell out of me. You would think it's been 2 months since we've seen each other, but it's only been about 4 days.

She looked so good right now. I was definitely going to hell with the vulgar thoughts that were appearing in my head, but I've been celibate against my will for 4 days and felt like I was suffering and dying.

It's tough to be a horny beast sometimes.

"Can we get Taco Bell?" she asked randomly while getting in the car.

"Yeah. After we fuck."


She grinned in agreement and I drove to our favorite parking lot, which was about 5 minutes away from her dorm.

Sometimes we go to the Target parking lot after it's closed, but a homeless man knocked on the window right when I was having an orgasm last time we went. So we don't really go there anymore. It was awkward as fuck.

I parked the car and started making out with her instantly. We didn't hesitate in the slightest, especially now that we're officially together and all.

I still can't fully process that. After 14 years of being downright in love with her, I finally get to call her mine. And it was absolutely worth the wait and the never ending chase.

I was starting to think I'd be chasing her for the rest of my life.

She held my hand securely while delicately trailing her lips down my jawline and behind my ears. I ran my hand through her long brown hair and forcefully slipped my tongue past her soft lips and into her throat.

Her grip on me tightened and her fingers worked their way into my hair, clawing at the pieces on the nape of my neck. It gave me chills.

"I've never had a boyfriend before." she said to me, while I pressed myself against her body and nibbled on her warm, inviting neck.

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