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I laid in bed for an entire hour, trying to decide if I was going to go to work today. Sterling's extremely understanding and our schedules are flexible. Bella wasn't going, so I figured I'd skip as well— but I had a feeling in my gut that I needed to go. My Dad would be disappointed in me if I skipped.

I got up, despite feeling so fucking tired.
The energy was so off today. I pulled out my incense sticks and lit them in a jar.

Stanford had a soccer game at UCLA tonight, and Leo and I were driving there to watch Charlie and Devin. Probably just Devin, though, since Charlie's not on the official lineup. I feel bad for him because of that, but he doesn't seem to mind. I think that being on Stanford's soccer team is a big enough deal that being on the starting lineup barely matters. But, it's pretty impressive that Devin's on it. And I still haven't watched a single one of his games.

I finished getting ready and headed to work. The parking lot was more full than usual, so I struggled to find a decent spot. When I entered the building, Trent approached me with a camera in his hand.

"Say cheese, Maddie!" he smiled and snapped a picture of me, unprepared.

I gave him a death glare.
"Delete that."

"I think this will look nice in my photo album! My memory book!" He grinned, staring at the photo with absolute pride.

I rolled my eyes and walked away towards the work room. He followed behind me, taking more stupid photos.

I grabbed the camera from him when he entered the room and shoved it in my bag so he couldn't take any more pictures. He frowned.

Sterling entered the room, rolling in a nice, flat screened TV.

"Are we watching a movie?" Trent asked childishly, earning barely a glance of acknowledgement from Sterling.

Cale clapped.
"Naked and Afraid. Let's go."

"Give me ten minutes and I'll go get everybody food." Trent jumped out of his seat and went towards the door.

"Sit down for a minute." Sterling said to him.
"We're watching April's wedding film that she did last weekend."

Everyone looked at April with surprise.

"You did a wedding?" Declan raised his eyebrows.

She nodded in response. April was talented. It was no shock to me that she was given an opportunity to film a wedding. I didn't understand why everyone else was having a hard time believing it.

"How much did they pay you?" Trent asked, and Sterling shook his head dismissively.

The question went unanswered, even though I was actually curious, myself.
I know that videographers and photographers get paid pretty well for doing weddings, but I wanted to hear a specific amount. If I can get hired for a wedding, I want to know how much I'll be making.

"I'm gonna turn the light off." Sterling said, and flicked off the light switch before taking a seat in a rolling chair beside the couch.

The video started and I was immediately blown away. The first clip showed the bachelorette party with the bride and her friends at Universal Studios.

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