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My computer science class ended after two painfully long hours, and I left the building quickly.
Lucky for me, that was my only class for today- so I had plenty of time to do whatever and then study.

As I was leaving campus, I saw Leo walking down the same sidewalk as me. He was actually in front of me, and I didn't know how to approach him.

"Leo." I called out, and he turned around.

He gasped and smiled.
"Hi, Maddie! I haven't seen you in a few days."

I was happy that he remembered my name, and remembered who I was in general. Our first and only interaction was small and brief, but it meant a lot to me considering that he helped me feel less anxious and lost on my first day of college.

"Where are you headed?" I asked.

He gave a tired laugh.
"Just going to help my cousin get his car tire out of a ditch. He rolled right into it and now he can't get out."

"Wow." I responded in amusement.
"Does he need any help?"

"Actually yes. Help might be a necessity." he chuckled.
"He's by the Life Sciences building."

I quickly checked my phone to see if Devin had texted me.
He called me this morning to see if I wanted to get breakfast with him, but I was already at school. His classes start and end way later than mine for some reason.

"How are you liking things so far?" he asked curiously.

I replied with a smile.
"Yeah, I'm actually liking it a lot."

"I'm so glad." he grinned.
"You're gonna meet a lot of new people within a few months."

That was promising to hear. I like making new friends- but sometimes it's scary to branch out and make the first move. But hey, this is an entirely different side of the country and if I want to start new then now's a good chance.

"It sure took you long enough." his cousin scoffed from behind the car.
"My arms are about to fucking break off."

Leo rolled his eyes and handed him an unknown tool.
"You're lucky I had a spare in my car. Also I brought an extra hand."

His cousin was squatted down next to the tire, and he looked up at me before standing up.
"Sorry about that, it's nice to mee-"

My eyes widened at the same point that his did, and every single memory of him came flowing directly back to me.

When he used to go on vacations with our family all the time and then he moved away. Or when our soccer team beat his soccer team during his senior year and Dylan beat him up. Then, of course, when we ran into him in Hawaii and Dylan beat him up again.

Holy fucking shit.
Leo's cousin was Charlie Pinton.
And Charlie Pinton was a student at Stanford University.

I don't even think I blinked- or closed my mouth.
Yes, the pieces were adding together, but it was still enough to knock me completely speechless. What are the fucking odds?

"Well, well well." he chuckled and rubbed his hands on his pants.
"No one told me you'd be coming to California, Maddie."

Leo looked at both of us and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Wait. You two know each other?"

Charlie let out a dark laugh.
"Oh yeah. Maddie and I go way back."

I shook my head.
"This is unbelievable. How has Devin not run into you yet? You've both been here for 2 years."

He gaped in shock.
"No fucking way. Smalls is here?"

"You're on the same soccer team as him?" I squinted.
"This makes no sense."

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