Chapter 31

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The sun began to sink behind the trees, and the breeze carried a chill. My attempts all day failed just like the bird I've been watching. I closed my eyes, trying to locate the energy of the device.


I wished I could just block the signal without even finding the device. As soon as I said it, I wanted to slap myself for being so dumb. I should've tried that sooner. I closed my eyes again and focused my vibrations on the collar. If I could put a barrier around the collar, it should work just the same.

A bubble. A bubble.

I stood slowly and crossed the threshold, bracing for another failure.

"I thought it would take you a few days to figure it out. Do you like where I hid it this time," Casimir asked, sitting up from his position on the grass.

"You think you're so clever," I said, sitting next to him.

"I like to think so."

"What's my prize for completing your task early," I asked.

"What would you like," he asked, leaning in closer.

"Let's go to the lake."

He smiled, "We can go in the morning."

"Let's go tonight. The moon is full. We can make a fire and enjoy the night," I said, closing the distance between us.

"I'll go inside and collect our supplies then," he said, standing up.

As he made it to the door, "Don't make me chase you through the woods at night."

"Wouldn't it be fun though," I asked with a playful smile.

"Only when I catch you," he said, walking inside.

The stars begin to take over the sky, along with a rumble in the distance.

Are they back so soon? Maybe we all can go to the lake tonight. I squinted until it came into view. I stood to get a better look at the unfamiliar ship.

A guest?

It landed in the clearing; the stairs shot out. A few men ran off the ship and lined up by the stairs waiting. An enormous man gets off last, making his way to me with two men following behind.

The leader has straight horns and burnt sienna eyes--donning a black fur collar with a red cape, his left breast full of medals. He stopped right in front of me, towering over my stature. I placed my fist over my chest and bow.

"Welcome. I will go and announce your arrival. Do you or your men need anything," I asked, hoping I didn't fuck up.

A General of the Forsaken Army is here. Within reach--a kill like that no one could stop me.

"Ambitious, like your father," he said.

The hairs on my neck stood, "I don't have a father or a mother," I said, meeting his eyes.

I took some steps back.

"Come with me at once," he said.

"No," I said, walking away, careful not to reveal my back to him.

"By order of the Priest, I am here to get you. By force, if necessary," he said, holding out a hand.

A man of urgency filled it with papers.

"You must not know. I do what I want," I said.

"Only when given permission." Casimir laughed, walking out placing the blanket and basket on the porch.

"General, I hope she's not giving you a hard time. What do we owe this visit," he said, bowing at the waist.

"No. I was just informing her that we have an order to take her immediately," he said, handing him the papers.

Casimir's brows wrinkled. He flipped through the pages and began to pace as he silently read along.

"Can we hold this off until we speak with the family? I'm sure under the given circumstances, they would understand. We could come to an agreement," he said.

"I'm just here for the woman. You can take this up with your Captain. He's meeting with the Priest as we speak," the General said.

"Even if they agreed to hand her over without a fight, then that's on them," he said, tossing the papers to the ground.

"Don't be stupid."

The wind rustling the leaves, and the grass cut through the silence but not the pressure of energies clashing. Their stances changed, their bodies began to radiate tendrils that match their eye color. Casimir's brows creased so hard that his eyes were barely seen. His jaw twitched. The General's power eclipsed us as the wind picked up. My stomach turned, and my knees shook. The air knocked from my lungs at the familiarity of this. So close to death's door but not close enough to quiet my excitement.

"Pl-Please, stop. I'll come with you. Don't hurt him," I said, walking toward the General.

"Pandora," Casimir said.

The two men ran past me, but I don't look back. The sounds of shuffling and grunts ensue.

"We both know how things go," I said.

I stopped just a few feet away from him. His power makes me strain to stand. He stood there, arms crossed, glaring down on me. My heart pounded against my ribs. As he reached out, I closed my eyes and exhaled--pushing out the pent-up energy that threatened to consume me. A pink up drift started to blow; his hand slowly pushed through the translucent wall. My stance started to slide. I dug my feet deep to keep my balance, waiting for my chance. I was saving this for The Leaders.

As the up drift fell, I envisioned a band wrapping around my arm, forming a sharp point over my hand. The areas began to warm; it's tight but comfortable. He continued to push against the remaining swirls. There it was, the tiny gap between the breastplates of his armor. I aimed and lunged.


It plunged in, but he made no sound. An iron grip took hold of my wrist breaking my combo wind/tendril blade. The shooting pain brought me to my knees. I tried again with my other hand, but my blade shattered when it hit his armor.

He coated it with his tendrils.

"You're still a hundred years too early, but that look could kill a thousand men if they looked upon it," the General said, bringing me to my feet.

"I think you mean if I was two and a half feet taller," I said.

"Let her go," Casimir said, pushing the last guy's body to the ground.

"Last chance, son, before I use force."

Casimir charged forward.

The General lifted his hand and brought it down.


Blood then darkness.

A/N: You can read up to Chapter 51 on Patreon :) !

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