Chapter 7!

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I received a call from my coach saying I had to be there to practice within the hour. I skipped boxer training for a week. I forgot I got a fight in two weeks. This is just a friendly game but awaited by many. This is the game before the national boxing championship and so there are so many expectations about the game. I already moved to the final which is scheduled to take place 2 weeks.

“Shit, shit, I totally forgot”, I mumbled myself and took my bag and ran towards my bike. When I went to the training area, I watched my coach wait for me in anger. I apologised to him and started practising with him.

Days go by and it's game day. I have to fight Julia Chambers, who is the former national champion as well. I was so nervous and insecure. I took my stress pill, not to make things worse. I went to the place where the game is about to happen and my coach was putting on gloves for me and saying all the motivational thoughts in my mind.

Shortly thereafter, I heard someone knock at the door. I watched Jaci walk in and smile and hug me.

“Jaci, you came?”, I said with excitement.

"Shortie, how can I miss this game of yours. So now, go rock yourself. Hit 'em down,' she shouted and I was so excited that she came for me.

The game kicked off and I dominated the first two sets. If I win the third round, I'm gonna be the winner. I prepared for the third round and reached the center of the ring. Julia and I were tired, but we aren't going to give. I started punching her in the face and I noticed she was so weak. But all of a sudden, my hearing turned around and started looking for the one that tipped him over and my eyes finally found her.
But I was shocked when my brother kissed her and she gave him the same thing. It was like my heart stopped and Jaci also noticed, I looked at her and she immediately withdrew from the kiss.

Unfortunately, that's when I got lost and Julia took a chance and hit me under my chin and landed me on the floor. I felt so weak, for my heart was wounded. I heard my coach yelling "Carol, get up".  But I wasn't able to. I heard somebody count, "1... 2... 3... 10". Yes, I got knocked down and Julia won and my eyes closed.

Jaci’s POV:

I never meant for that to happen. I have no idea why Carol has a grudge against her brother. I pushed Jordan into the game, but I don't think it went well. He proposed to me this week and I accepted with pleasure even if I did not feel love in my heart. I was so in the game but Jordan snapped at me and kissed me. I don't know if he did it on purpose, because I saw Carol looking at us at that moment and even Jordan was smiling at her. I saw that her eyes hurt and that's when her opponent struck her under her chin, which knocked her down. I assumed she would get up because she has got beaten up bad and still she use to stand on her feet. But this time, I saw her lying there with no wake-up call. It was reported that her opponent won and I tried to run to the ring but before that, she was taken to the ambulance..

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