Chapter 12!

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Jaci's POV

I can see the guilt in her eyes. She's trying to answer my question, but she couldn't. I'm glad to have a certain effect on her. But I need to do something about this.

"Carol, respond to me?" What's this," I tried to keep it out loud.

"This has nothing to do with you." Leave my room now," she answered.

"Those are my matters." Remember, you are under my guard according to the words of your parents", I tried to insist on fear in her mind. But, instead, I saw her eyes burning with anger.

"Why should you care?" she screamed at me.

"I'm worried, because you're my best friend," I screamed backwards.

Teas began to fall through her eyes. "Yes, best friend... I'm nothing more than this... can  you  please leave me alone", she was sobbing. I don't know why,  but these words hurt me.

I tried to get close to her, "No... keep your hands off me.."

I felt defeated and walked away from the room. I noticed Jordan in his bedroom and decided to speak to him indirectly about the nightmare.

I walked into his room and sat on the bed, "Hi Jordan."

"Hello baby, what's up?" he replied without turning his head towards me.

"I just want to ask you something", I wishpered.

"yes...", he now turned his face towards me.

"Why don't you and Carol have a word?" Has anything happened between the two of you? Do you know what happened to her when she was away from us for more than 2 years ", I dropped all the questions in my mind to him.

"slow.... slow ... baby... you are asking me so much questions ",  he tried not to answer my question but I noticed his face changing pale. I realized something happened between the two of them.

But what is it? Who can help me?

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