Chapter- 18

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Chapter- 18

(Hirata's POV)

"Serve yourself, the dinner time won't be extended for anyone."

The boys from all school years gathered around. Even though the hard earned meal was there in front of me, my mind was preoccupied.

Sacrifice was the most I could amount to, but I was never given the chance to do so. To protect someone, sacrifice of others was demanded from me. That's what I am going to do, in order to protect Karuizawa.

Which one of the two will you choose?

The ghastly voice in my head was back... at my darkest times, I could hear Sugimura speaking.

My heartbeat picked up speed, the anticipation of the event I had planned was too much to bear.

"Here, have this." Akito handed me a glass of water.

Without saying anything, I gulped it down. Trying to find calm in the cold water. Akito wasn't breaking down in a situation like this, though at the same time he didn't get the whole picture so his lack of nervousness was understandable.

The dull eyes on the lifeless boy that used to accompany us, the eyes now seemed like an abyss. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka had been behind this all the time. It wasn't hard to trace; I had my doubts about him. Yet, the realisation makes me uneasy.

If he wanted to stay hidden, he could've. Did I find him first, or was I found out?

Are you afraid? You should be, the two you're going to deal with would tear you apart.

I shook my head. Getting myself torn apart was the last thing I feared. What I truly feared was that my sacrifice would be for naught.

I looked at the empty seat on my left. Sudou was supposed to be with us, yet he was nowhere to be seen.

"Eat up, our performance will fall if you don't." Akito returned with another plate full of food. His appetite can match that of a horse.

"Yeah, I guess I will." I picked up a spoonful of soup.

"Hey, Ayanokouji. Any news?"

He was right behind me. Before I could see him, I felt him. I can imagine his indifferent face. Does he enjoy it? He could've protected himself by other means, why have things become like this?

"I will take a seat, if you don't mind." Ayanokouji sat down beside me, accompanied by Sudou who sat against me.

"Man I'm starving, these guys have been feeding me such bland stuff lately." Sudou complained, yet ate his food without any signs of reluctance.

"Hirata," Ayanokouji called me out. I looked at him from the corner of my eye, he did the same.

"Akito told me you wanted to discuss something with me. What's the matter?"

"I was sure to mention our meeting would take place in a rather secluded place." I turned towards him, looking directly into his eyes.

They appeared harmless, yet interested.

"That's true, however, I have a premonition," He took a pause.

He's catching up to you, Hirata. Be fast.

I stayed silent, waiting for him to speak. Akito and Sudou simmered down with their food as well. While eating they paid close attention to the conversation.

"From the beginning my condition has been to stay out of direct confrontations. If you can tell me the contents of this meeting beforehand, I would join you."

Yes, this has been your condition. After all, the last thing you wanted was to be unmasked. Thus, avoiding conflicts from miles away.

It was an indirect way to say, 'I won't be there unless you tell me what's going on.'

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