They've Got to Make it Back

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Isle's POV

        "Diana we need to tell them..." 

        "But...what if they get distracted..." 

        "So what does that matter? What does it matter if we save them but lose everyone else?" 

        Those were the words I woke up to that morning. Alexandra was arguing with Diana about telling the guys about our...situation...It's pretty bad. Diamanda, Disney, Mania, Witch, Spring, Celene, Hazel, Aleta, and Silena have all fallen into coma's and they won't wake up. I'm worried who will fall next? It was time to add my opinion.

        "Guys, we have to tell them. These are their best friends. They need to know." I spoke up from my spot in the corner.

        "Well I guess it's inevitable." Answered Diana. We looked at the screen and saw the landscape around them change. It went from Mars to Antarctica. Before it was red and empty now its white and it wasn't subtle either. It was BAM!! WHITE!!! Yep just like that. Will suddenly saw something in the distance and sprinted in that direction. Everyone looked confused and then turned and saw just what he had. They started to run and there they found the girls. Will seemed to have seen Disney, Mania, and Aleta.

        He then yelled at Diana "WHAT ARE THEY DOING HERE!!!!"

         Diana had to answer "We don't know. They've just been falling into coma's." 

        He paused and said "Hey, guys." They turned nodded.

        "Hey Will." They answered. Short conversations began and then ended and they all walked on, following the floating river of memories. I just want my friends back all of them. It'd be such a good time and the kids are falling apart without their parents and the other girls. I mean they've even lost their god parents at this point. They've got almost no one left and it's breaking them. The kids haven't left their room for months. I haven't seen Zale or Rebecca like the real them for months. I miss them. 

        I walked out of the room and went to visit Celene. When I got their Connor was sitting by her in a chair asleep his head on the bed, hair covering his face, and holding onto her hand. All these comas have brought out some relationships. I've learned that Leo is secretly in love with Spring I don't think he even realizes and just thinks they're good friends. Theta is in love with Witch and hasn't left her side. Iota's in love with Daph and really wants her back but is glad she's at least helping...maybe. Connor is in love with Celene and he knows it and well you already know the rest. Silena and on so forth. I sat down next to Cece and started to tell her everything that had happened since she'd been awake. Suddenly I started to feel angry, sad, and scared and I had no idea why. It was like I was reliving all the times I'd been scared, sad, and angry all at once. I started to walk away to my room where I laid on my bed for awhile. Suddenly I started to lose motion. As more and more went I suddenly started to throw pieces together. This and that clicked and I solved it. I know what's happening I've got to tell someone, but at this point I couldn't move my lower half. I threw myself off the bed and army crawled to a sharpie on the floor. I grabbed it and uncapped it as it spread up me. I wrote quickly, scurrying to get it written on my arm. They've got to make it back and quickly. I finally lost all motion just as I finished and everything went black.

Travis's POV

I went looking for Isle I needed to tell her before she fell into a coma to. With it all going down it got me thinking. So here I am going to confess to Isle. I knocked on her door and when she didn't open or yell I pushed it open slowly only to find her crumpled on the ground in the middle of the room....unconscious. I ran over to her and shook her hoping she'd wake up. NO! No! not her come on! WAKE UP!! 

"SOMEBODY HELP!!!! HELP!! PLEASE!!! SOMEONE!!!" I started and eventually just started to sob. You can't be gone please don't be gone. Come on Isle wake up. Don't go now. People ran in finally and took her off to the infirmary over in the other room the demons started to laugh and laugh and laugh. I ran after the medics and sat next to Isle as they set up her life support while she was in the coma. I sat there just like Connor was with Celene and grabbed her hand holding in mine. "Hey, Isle...I..i just wanted to say...." I ran my other hand through my hair "I can't believe I lost you. I need you. Please come back. Who else is gonna plan the pranks so their flawless, use their wise stuff to get us out of trouble, who'll pick the perfect prank now. Come on Isle, Please come back to I.....Love you. Please don't leave me here alone." I started to sob again. "I was just going to tell you when I found you. I love you. With all my heart. I can't believe it either but someones robbed me. Well, it makes sense it was you...only someone smart, funny, adorable, and a prankster could steal from me. When was it. Was it the prank before the quest when everyone left you. When was it that you stole it. I know how you did it. You were too cute, too beautiful, too smart, that distracted me. But, what really stole it away. Was it your beautiful smile, the way your eyes sparkle when you plan a prank, the little contagious way you act that just makes you want to be childish. Darlin' I've fallen. I've fallen hard for you. Will you catch me before I hit the ground?" 

3rd person POV

Just away from Travis, Connor heard every word his twin spoke and smiled knowing like he had, Travis had found the one. The one girl he couldn't live without. The one who'd stolen from the thief and for once there was no revenge. The one person that kept them going on dark days. Both of them sat remembering the last time they'd seen each other. Celene had just stopped by to prank the camp before the hunters went after the big three's kids. Isle had just planned a last minute prank before she left on her quest the next day. Neither ever returned. Artemis had said that Percy, Jason, Thalia, Nico, and Hazel had gotten lucky and killed Celene before they died. Isle's quest mate's said she'd died on the quest and they burned their shrouds. Never expecting to see them again. It was then they'd discovered their love for the two girls and now they'd lost them forever. Travis suddenly stopped crying though he'd seen something on Isle's arm. He realized it was a letter. He read it and then quickly smudged it after memorizing it. Maybe their was still a little hope for the boys and their loved one's but it all rested on Zale and Rebecca they've got to make it back and soon. They've got to make it back.

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