The morning of influence

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Zale's POV

Ah, sscreaming that's what we woke up to. Jason and Percy just sat there grinning evilly I'm disappointed. "You pranked them and didn't let me join come on! Out of us three who can actually turn invisible! That's right me!" I yelled. Then Rebecca yelled "Come on I wanted to prank Blondie! Percy I'm shunning you! You to Jason!" Percy was shocked he said "Becca, Beeeeeecccaaaaa, come on don't be like that. I'm sorry OK." She just stood and started walking away. He started chasing her and she shadow traveled away. She appeared a little ways away he ran after and she started running Percy eventually caught up grabbed her spun her around to face him and kissed her. Then he said "I'm sorry you can help next time. OK?" "Ok!" She said cheerfully and kissed him on the cheek. She started walking away and he chuckled. They're so adorable. After that we walked to breakfast. Percy summoned a table -since he is heir to the void he can do stuff like that- and that's where we ate. One of the campers cleared their throat. We looked and Luke said "Yeah, Kid." The camper replied shakily "We...Well we us...usually give off...offerings to the g...go...gods." Percy replied angrily "Why should we offer food to them we are primordials." The camper nodded nervously and mumbled "S...sorry." Luke noticed and said "Hey, what table do you sit at?" The camper replied by pointing at a table I knew well. The Hermes table. "Decided or Undecided?" Luke asked."Decided." The camper said smiling. Luke smiled back not that the camper could see through the shadow cast by the hoods. "That's wonderful." I said and then the camper ran off. Percy smiled at us-see we can see into the hoods but they can't- he wasn't angry at the new campers just the old and the gods well some gods. Then Annie showed up and said "Look we don't need your help, we haven't before and we most certainly don't now..." She stopped and saw our food mine and Percy's was blue. "Why is your food blue?" She asked. "To remember a great hero, friend, and warrior." I growled out in anger I love acting. Percy caught on. "What happened to them?" She asked. "He died-" I started and Percy cut me off. "Look you really shouldn't be asking about this it's personal." She replied "Well I'm still gonna ask because you can't boss me around." "Look ," I said "He had a hard life and after awhile he gave up and jumped into a lava pool." "Well why was his life so hard?" She asked. "Someone broke their promise, he was abandoned, and after he had saved them all twice. His own father wanted his death." She laughed "he sounds weak." That's it I lost it. "You know what, don't you dare laugh he was the strongest person I've ever met. He held the sky, he proved to a maiden goddess who hates boys that not all are that bad. He went to tartarus, he lost his memories, and he was the best of us. Don't you dare say he was weak." My voice went deadly calm "Now listen here witch, he was broken by a broken promise and you dearie are the guiltiest of them all. I don't like promise breakers. I'm the goddess of promises and I promise you if you insult him one more time I will make you pay. When you insult him you insult all of us." To say she was terrified is an understatement she looked ready to screaming for her mommy. Oh how I love acting. She walked away. Percy whispered "thanks." The while table smiled. Nico whispered "remind me not to get on your bad side it's scary." Luke whispered back "says the god of terror." As soon as we finished we left but just as we left Devin ran up and said "You guys don't look very strong?" We laughed and Luke said "Our weakest member could take you down." "Oh, really well I challenge them to a fight." Silena stepped forward -she's only the weakest because her main domain is love so war and battle are not her strong suit but she's still really strong- "challenge excepted" she said. Now here we are in the arena waiting for the fight to begin.

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