I Won't Give up!!

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Luke's POV

We were almost at the end of the river I could feel it. We were hiking up a hill when my suspicions were confirmed. We could see two lakes at the bottom in a valley. The rivers flowed down to the valley and then spilled into the lakes. I smiled at Zale and she smiled back. 

"So, what happened after that game of capture the flag?" She asked looking up at me with those gorgeous blue eyes that sparkled with curiosity. 

"Ok, after that game it was a week of you pestering me about why I stepped aside. I only ever answered I realized something. Well that is until the next game of capture the flag. Again we were on separate teams but this time it was your turn to guard the flag. Just before the game though I told you why I stepped aside. Then I booked it. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. Soon the game started I was on offense this time. It ended with me fighting you and this time you stepped aside. You also gave me ten minutes but your team won before me. That night you told me the reason you stepped aside was the same reason I did." I answered her. This was always my favorite part of our story. Not the countless days and nights together. Not all those reunions. No it was this moment. When she ran up to me jumped on my back and whispered I love you to into my ear. It was the first time I held her in my arms knowing this. It was the exact moment that I knew as long as I had her I'd be care free. I wouldn't ever want again as long as she was near. It was this moment where we were both truly happy. Before all the pain and agony. Before it all. Before the first kiss or the last. Before the first date or the wedding day. Before the kids. The simple moment of knowing my life would forever be complete. She smiled straight up at me and right there I remembered every last reason I fell for her. Her kindness, her smile, her eyes, every last detail and piece that brought me under her spell. I can't wait to have her back to her true self. It's going to be painful I know that. I know that with the regaining of memories there will be a lot of pain. There was a lot of bad and a lot of good. At least I'll have Zale back.

We finally arrived at the lakes and were staring right at them. One lake glowed a teal color and the other purple. Percy and I automatically knew who's lake of memories was who's and led them to the bank of their lake. I smiled at Zale and nodded. 

Then I paused and stopped her from entering just then. "Zale, the thing is you went through a lot during your life so far. A lot of pain and bad memories and I'm sorry. I couldn't keep you from it. I couldn't protect you from everything and now your going to remember it all. I'm so sorry, for all the pain and suffering and sorrow. I just want you to know it wasn't all good and this is going to hurt a lot-" Then she cut me off with a finger to my lips.

"Luke, I know it's not going to be sunshine and rainbows and unicorns. Everyone suffers, everyone has to shed some tears right. Bad things happen to everyone and that's just something we live with. It's not your fault all of this happened. I certainly won't blame you. Things happen. However the good thing about bad things is that if there is bad there must also be good. Some people may ask what's the point of being happy if later you'll just be sad and the answer is because your going to be sad. At least you'll have something to hold onto and so if I have any happy memories I'll be just fine and even if I'm not I've got others to support me right and that's all I really need." She said looking me straight in the eyes. Then she took a step then two and soon she was up to her knees. The glow around the lake grew brighter and she fell to her knees. The water roiled and boiled. Waves grew and crashed on shores, but she stayed perfect right where she was. The air around us grew arid and the sky darkened. Storm clouds gathered and then the air seemed to electrify itself. The demons knew that with their memories they'd be more powerful. The lakes flashed and started to return the girls' memories. Then the dogs and depression spirits came. Followed by things I'd never seen. Isle looked them over and started working on what they were. There were ghost like things, zombies with terror frozen on their faces, rhinos with skeleton faces bloody paws and horns and rage filled eyes, and there were violent spiked wisps of things that inched closer with their spinning blades. 

"Ok, I'm pretty sure the zombies are anxieties, paranoia, and things that overall terrify. The rhinos negative thoughts that push away the positive. Wisps things lost and never found. Ghosts thoughts lost and never remembered. The ghosts are like the answer that would've given you a B instead of a C and the wisps are more material things that you could have but didn't get." Isle yelled. I nodded as did everyone else but we knew there was nothing we could do without the girls who were still regaining their memories.

Zale's POV

I walked into the lake and soon fell to my knees as the memories started to rush back. I remembered my mom and her warm smile and eyes. My childhood friends Rebecca, Sophia, and Luke. I remembered the attack, the run, the journey. I remembered the quest at 8, the death that shouldn't have happened. The arrival at camp, the days after, capture the flag, and the following week. The next capture the flag, Hera's return, my acceptance to join the team. Meeting my half-bro Percy. Luke going over to the dark side, the months after that. Losing him, the agony, the pain, running again. Meeting chaos, being adopted by the fates, reunited with Luke and friends, missions and battles, training and wars, bringing Chaos his family. The fun enjoyed throughout those years. The sorrows we faced. All of it. I remembered the kids, the cookies, everything and finally I remembered escaping that prison and watching as Luke and Percy ran for us when we collapsed. I remembered it all.

When the world came back the lake was dry and my friends were fighting. I saw Rebecca nearby in what used to be the other lake. I looked at her and nodded knowing what we had to do. I walked forward and started my fight against my fears and anxieties. I stood as they surrounded me and it all came at me. I fought one after another fear until there was only one left but it backed away. Next, came the dogs and all the deaths. I again fought but this time I left two that stalked off. After that it was all I had lost and never regained. Three were left here. Then the negative thoughts. One after another fell as I fought on realizing how stupid some of these things were and how they had consumed me. I left four here. Finally depression. I fought as hard as I could and harder I gave 300% but still I left five that didn't fall. They all lined up and starting from the fears onto the depression they stated what they were. 

"I'm the fear that you'll lose Luke again. Whether to death or something else." Said the only zombie left. Next were the dogs.

"I'm the death of your dear friend Lacie..." The first said followed by "And I the death of your lover Luke." Next were the lost things. 

"I'm Luke when you lost him to Kronos, to Thanatos, and nearly to Thanatos again." Spoke one and then another "The lost relationship between Annie after her betrayal." Then the last "Finally, the years you lost with family and friends. The years you lost with Thalia and Annie, with your mom and dad, with Luke and Percy. With everyone." After that the negative thoughts.

"I'm the thought of not being able to do anything right. Stop trying  you'll never do it right all you'll do is wreck it." Said one followed by another "I'm the thought of not being worthy of love or care. You don't deserve this Zale. It's not right." Then another. "I'm the thought that no one really cares they just pity you and tolerate you. Ugh, Zale your so annoying why can't you just move on we don't want you." Followed by the last "I'm the thought that everything you just did was wrong. You shouldn't have done that they'll hate you now. You can't talk anymore nothing you say is right." Finally it was the depression. They had all merged into one and spoke as one.

"I'm the depression caused by all this and more. The thing that won't let you sleep at night and wrecks your dreams. I'm the thing making you want to jump when your up high." When they stated all of this it rushed at me and I fell to my knees covering my ears. I looked over and saw Rebecca struggling just as much as I was. Everyone else looked worried so worried especially Luke and Percy. I looked Luke right in the eyes tears stinging mine and mouthed "I love you so so so much, but I don't think I can do this." Tears filled his eyes too as he read my lips and understood what I was saying. I collapsed into the fetal position and looked around one last time before me eyes sank closed and my hands fell from my ears. The last thing I saw was Luke fall to his knees tears in his eyes and on his cheeks and a dark chuckle. I was lost again to the darkness or so I thought. A voice a single voice and four words brought me back long enough for the rest of the message to sink in. 

"I can't give up!" Were the words that brought me back. Followed shortly by "NO! I won't give up!!" The dark chuckle faded and so did the dark.

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