A mission, a proposal, and a mission

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Zale's POV

I was a on a mission with Luke, Theron, Beta, and Jason. We were on planet 13 in sector 7 it was a planet purple in color with a red sky and gold water. The inhabitants were creatures mixed with human. Like a human with and alligators head. It was kind of like Egyptian gods. A man mixed with a weasel had been stealing, kidnapping, and murdering it was time for it to stop. We were in normal mission garb which is an enchanted cloak with our insignias mine is an anchor under an omega sign with an A and T on either side (the above pic imagine omega sign) Armored pants which were light and more like normal pants or leggings-but protected really well. Most blades shattered on impact.-A black t-shirt or tank, our specially made chest armor-it is light like the pants but not built in the coloring was done to fit us like mine was black, teal, and aqua blue.-Then there was the shoes all our shoes had metal toes but the mission ones had hidden blades and pockets inside for knives. Most of us wore boots on missions and converse otherwise. We were currently stalking through the woods on the planet the bark was orange and the leaves blue. We were silent holding our weapons in front of us. Our target came into view and Theron gave me a nod. I pressed the left side of my necklace and turned invisible and tapping the right side for my bow (Cool_bow_and_arrow). I walked around around coming up in front of the target and readied. I saw Luke sneak to the left and Jason to the right. Percy stayed where he was and walked closer. Beta melted into the shadows around us and slowly but surely they grew larger and crept towards our target. We closed in on him. We started the routine. "Your time is up. Fate has chosen." I said. The target stopped scared and confused. "Fate has sent their helpers. Fate will have it's dues." I said eerily. Then Luke spoke "Fate is time and your time has ended. Time comes for you." Then Jason "No one can protect you now. Protection himself hunts you. No defense will come to your aid. He hunts for you." Then Percy spoke "I am the hunter hired by fate. I hunt for the wrong doers, the evil, and the despicable. I hunt for you." Then I spoke again as they stepped out of the shadows. "Are you ready to meet your fate?" Then I turned visible right in front of him my bow ready to fire. He was terrified. Percy nodded and Beta stepped from the shadows as they latched onto our targets legs slowly climbing up him "Welcome to my domain." She said and the shadows reached his neck. "We will have our revenge." Was the last thing he heard as her shadows sent him to the void. We walked back to the ship and I pulled down my hood. Allowing my black hair to cascade freely down my back landing at my waist. Jason, Theron, Beta, and Luke dropped their hoods as well and we sat. Me and Luke on one side and Percy, Beta, and Jason on the other. Throughout the ride we all mainly stayed silent since we were tired. Me and Luke layed down and tangled our legs together. Luke played with my hair twisting and curling the blue streaks, braiding it, etc. When we arrived at home we all separated to our rooms to take naps.


I was running and running. I heard howls of some sort and growls. A shape flashed behind me. What are these things? I reached a hill and ran half way up. Then stopped the creatures stepped out and charged. It went black. I was in an infirmary type a boy my age with sandy blonde hair and a pale scar sat at my bedside. He introduced himself as Luke. He had saved my life. Time sped forward me and Luke were the best of friends inseperable. Annabeth like my little sister. I had been claimed as a daughter of posieden. It was Friday night capture the flag. Luke was on the other team. I was sent after the flag with Annabeth. When we arrived Connor, Travis, and Luke stood guard. Connor and Travis went after Annie while I fought Luke. After a bit of fighting he stepped aside. I grabbed the flag and ran. Not to much later he sounded the alarm. My team won. I questioned him about the event and the answer was always "I realized something." A week passed and capture the flag was about to start. He ran up to me and said "I realized I loved you." Then ran. I was set to gaurd duty and Luke came for the flag. We fought for a little and then I had a realization. I loved him to. I stepped aside and he grabbed the flag and ran. Then I sounded the alarm. My team caught him and won. Time sped again. It had been three years and Annabeth who had been nine then was 12 now. Percy Jackson arrived. He Annabeth and Grover went on a quest. When he returned Luke disclosed some information he asked me to join him. It broke my heart but I said "No, but remember I will always love you." He walked away and I cried. Time sped again. Annabeth told me the news. He had died. I designed his shroud. The night after the service I ran to our spot fell to my knees and sobbed. That night I promised I would never love another man. My heart would forever belong to him. For years I slept there in our spot until one day I left camp. Eventually though I gave up and left camp. Someone very special to me offered a way out through Chaos I accepted and was reunited with the love of my life. The only man for me.

••••Dream End••••

I woke up and heard yelling. I walked out towards the game room where Beckendorf and Luke were intensely playing checkers. Luke was totally losing but kept yelling about how he was going to win. Beckendorf just smirked. The game was almost over when Aleta walked in hand in hand with Nico. Then I noticed a glint on her left ring finger.

Aleta's POV

Me and Nico were taking a stroll and ended up a set up picnic. We ate, laughed, talked, and smiled. Then he said "Hey, Al do you know about yin and yang?" I answered him"Yeah. " "Well I was thinking about how we are like that. I'm the dark with the with and your the white with the black." He continued. "Wow," I said dumbfounded, "I never thought of it like that." Then he said "Well they needed each other for balance and I need you." Then he pulled out a box got on one knee and finished "Aleta Caritina, will you marry me your my yin to my yang?" I put my hand over my mouth and nodded vigorously not trusting my words. I looked at the ring (polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=95084...) It was gorgeous. We walked into the game room and as soon as Zale noticed her mouth dropped open falling to the floor. Then she screamed everyone came running and then they noticed the ring. They all congratulated us. Then in our minds we heard "I need to see you all." Chaos. We walked out of the game room and over to the throne room where chaos stood. He spoke "You all have a new assignment. Its to planet 4 in sector 8." Theron looked like he might explode and so did Jason. Zale held onto Luke a little tighter. Zoe gave Ethan a look and squeezed his hand. Bianca put her hand on Theron's shoulder. I squeezed Nico's hand. "I'm not going back," Theron spat.

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