Betrayed Fugitives

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Percy's POV

It was good to be back. I had been on a quest for two months and was finally returning to my home and girlfriend. Three years have passed since the battle with Gaia and we had been visiting Camp Half-blood when I was assigned a quest from Athena. I reached into my pocket and felt the velvet boxes one a navy blue the other just blue. I saw Malcolm and decided he should know where wise girl is. I ran up to him and asked "Hey, where's Annabeth?" He looked at me rather sadly and uncomfortably and answered "She's probably at the beach." Then ran off. I walked there starting to get nervous when I saw a sight that stopped me in my tracks. It was my half brother who had shown up a month before I left and basically ruined my life. In that month he did awful stuff and blamed me. The only friends I has left before the quest were the rest of the seven and Nico, Reyna, Grover, and Thalia, but they were hardly ever around. Hazel and Frank were at Camp Jupiter. Nico visited Hazel and Reyna a lot. Jason and Piper were constantly going back and forth and Leo spent most of his time with Calypso. Reyna was at Camp Jupiter and Thalia was with the hunters and Grover was busy. Annabeth was the only I really had. Which is why this stopped me in my tracks. My half brother Devin was making out with a girl with blonde princess curls. Just like Annabeth. I wanted to believe it was just an Aphrodite girl but it looked a lot like her. I silently got closer and could was now within ear shot. That was when I heard "When are you breaking up with that idiot brother of mine?" "Whenever I have the chance but I'm hoping he's dead," was the reply in Annabeth's voice not to mention I'm his only brother. Then they sat down and I could see their faces it really was my wise girl. Devin chuckled and said "me too." I stepped out and said "Oh, well sorry to crush your dreams but I'm still alive." They turned shocked and then I added "Yep, right here oh and Annabeth. Watch closely." I pulled out the navy blue box which held a beautiful necklace (Miadora-Sterling-Silver-Blue-Sapphire-and-Diamond-Heart-Necklace-H-I-I3-P14808631) I had made myself and threw it at her snapping the box open and breaking the fragile necklace. Then I pulled out the other box which held the engagement ring I had made(Owl-Ring) popped it open pulled out the ring dropped it and smashed it under my heel breaking it in half. Then I threw the pieces at her saying "here have the remains of our love I don't want them." Then I stormed off but not before hearing "You think I want them? No one would want them in fact no one wants you. Just leave." I nodded slightly and went to pack that is until I saw Jason sitting up against the side of his cabin looking distraught. I walked over to him and saw tears in his eyes. "Hey bro, what's wrong?" I asked gently. He gestured for me to look over by the strawberry fields with his head and I saw Piper and Logan Jason's half brother holding hands. Logan showed up a day after Devin and started flirting with every girl at camp. Now he'd taken Piper. Then Jason finally spoke "Bro what happened to you." That was when I noticed the salty tears slowly crawling down my face. "Same." I answered he nodded and I continued "I was going to propose." He nodded and said "so was I." He pulled out a ring.(patronus-engagement-set) For a while no one spoke. Finally I stood and said "I'm leaving camp." He stood with me and said "I'll join." We went our separate ways and started paPosiedent then all the sudden we were on Olympus with Nico, Hazel, and Thalia. Zues cleared his throat and said "Children I'm disowning you." Jason spoke "Wait why?" Hades answered "Your to powerful and zues is convinced your spies for Gaia. Oh Nico Hazel your disowned to." Then Posiedon spoke "Yeah your disowned to Devin is much better." Then Zeus said "we will now vote. Should we kill you or let you live." Zues, Posieden, Hades, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Demeter, and Dionysus voted death. Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, Hephaestus, and Hestia voted live. Zues raised his bolt and Nico shadow traveled us out of there. We quickly packed and met back at Thalia's pine. Then we ran. 

Jason's POV

we've been running for two weeks now with the hunters of Artemis hot on our trail. Now we're trapped we ran down an alley. That was a dead end. We couldn't turn back now. We drew our weapons to make a last stand if needed. The hunters rounded the corner and nocked their arrows ready to fire one hunter named Celene Artemisa spoke up "Stand down they only want to talk." Thalia yelled "Is that what they told you. Well news flash they want to kill us." Celene turned to Artrmis and said "Is this true?" Artemis nodded glumly and Celene handed Artemis her bow and stood with us. Artemis nodded and gave her hunters the go ahead. They were about to release when a black swirling portal opened in between us. Two girls and a guy walked out. One of the girls stepped forward and said "Not to long ago a girl told you that Blondie wouldn't fix your heart  you should've listened." Then the other girl spoke "she's right you know. If you had listened your fate would have been different and we wouldn't be here, but we are. Chaos would like to be reunited with his children." I was utterly confused. Then the guy spoke "Five of you are lord chaos' children the other is his niece. Chaos would like you to come home. However we offer more than a father we offer a family and a new home. Join us and you won't die." I looked to Percy he nodded and I said "We'll go." They grabbed our hands and pulled us through. When we stepped out of the portal we were in a massive black throne room with three thrones. One larger then the other two. The largest was occupied by a man with hair as black as space, skin as pale as the moon, eyes like imperial gold with fireworks flashing in them. When he spoke his voice was warm and kind "Nice to see you again kids. If I'm right you probably dont remember. Ih, well easy fix." He waved his hand and darkness consumed me. When I woke up I hadn't moved but I felt different. Then I heard "Bro you look different." I turned to Percy and the first thing I noticed was the wings massive and black like an endless abyss. Then I noticed he'd changed his eyes were the same color but deeper and held those same fireworks as Chaos' wait how'd I know his name. Percy's clothes had changed to. They were clean and new. A black hoodie and black skinny jeans and black converse. All the items of clothing had this metal like substance on them. On the hoodie it was on the elbows, on the jeans it was the knees, and on the shoes it was the toe. I looked at Nico and saw he looked similar but his wings were tipped with a smoky grey. His eyes had darkened to where they were black and had these grey flecks that seemed like tendrils of smoke. His outfit was the same except the converse were a smoky grey and he had on a leather jacket with a grey shirt underneath. Then I noticed that both of them had become slightly tanner. Then there was the girls. They all wore dresses that went down to their ankles and Greek sandles. They all also had a circlet on their head and wings. Thalia's hair had grown longer but kept the choppiness and streaks and was now braided with yellow silk strands woven in. Her dress was black and then faded to white. Her wings were black with electric blue tips. Hazel's hair had straightened and turned darker to where it was almost black and been braided with black silk strands woven in. Her dress was black and looked like it came straight out of the 1930's. Her wings were black with gold tips and her eyes just looked brighter. Then there was Celene her silver hair was braided with darker silver silk strands. Her dress was silver with a slit in the front starting at the knee. Her wings black with silver tips and her eyes now looked like pure silver. Chaos then asked "Do you believe me now?" We nodded and he smiled "Oh how wonderful it is to have you back. Let's go meet the team." He stood and walked out of the room with a skip in his step.

All five​

that is the story of how we were betrayed.

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