We come as a raging fire

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Tala's POV

I was nervous Jason looked like he would explode and I knew why. Chaos was explaining to Theron why we needed to go back as I tried to calm Jason. After a while he did calm and Chaos finished explaining to Theron. Then he told us the mission. Gaia is rising again this time with the titans by her side. Kronos is joining her." We nodded and Zephira said "we accept but that doesn't mean we like it." Me and Jason walked to go pack our bags as did everyone else. We finished packing and I decided it was time to confront him. "Jason I know you took some of Zale's cookies." I said calmly and accusingly. Jason looked scared "please don't tell her. Last time someone did this she chased them down into tartarus." I smiled evily and started walking away. Then we heard Zale yell "WHO STOLE MY COOKIES!!!!" Then Celene yelled back "JASON" He started booking it. Then Zale ran past and then Celene dragging everyone behind her. She teleported us up to the roof so we could watch. It was hilarious. Jason was running and whenever Zale would vapor travel he'd scream and run the other way. Once Zale turned invisible and he got really scared. When it was over we were all laughing so hard we cried. Then Chaos said in mm "time to go. The ship stopped in front of us. We hopped in and the journey began. The entire ride we brainstormed ideas for when we landed. Just as we arrived we had found the perfect one. We put on our hoods and masks. The doors opened and fog poured out.

Annabeth's POV

A massive ship landed on the hill. The doors opened and fog poured out. Three people flipped out and landed on one knee like ironman one on each side and one in the middle. A fire started in the entrance. Then ten people walked out. Six in the front in a v formation the other four behind right through the fire. Then a girl popped right in front of me a bow loaded and ready to fire. I noticed there was another on my right in front of Devin and another to my left in front of Logan. The leader whistled and the archers backed off. The one at the front of the v spoke " Who is your leader?" His voice was deep dark and creepy. Devin stepped forward and said "I am." The guy spoke again saying "Ah, the sea spawn how fitting." I was utterly confused. Oh well. "Wait who are you?" I asked. He gave a nod and the girl who had stood in front of me spoke eerily "I am fate, I am the sea and it's creatures, and I am the promises you have made. I am Nerita." "How are you fate?" Logan asked. "The same way your gods are what they are. I am daughter of the fates gifted with their power." Then one from the group of four spoke "I am time, I am your second chance, I am rage. I am Anastas." Then the girl next to him spoke "I am the lost, I am theft, I am your pathways. I am Andra." Then behind her "I am fire, I am weapons, I am the forge from whence they came. I am Pyrallis." Then from next to him "I am love, I am beauty, I am courage. I am Callista. Then the archer that stood in front of Logan spoke " I am sacrifice, I am the stars, I am strength. I am Astra." Then the one who had flipped on the left spoke "I am powerful emotions, I am your traitors, I am isolation. I am Belen." The one on the right spoke "I am hope, I am trust, I am pain. I am Brayleigh." Then the last archer "I am tracking, I am hunting, I am compassion. I am Atalanta." Next was the person on the far right of the v "I am the moon, I am your choices, I am your consequences. I am Neona." Then on the far left "I am the sky, I am storms, and I am danger. I am Zephira." Then the person next to Neona "I am the winds, I am the heartbroke, I am defense/protection. I am Ala." Then the person next to Zephira "I am your precious ores and gems, I am the underground, I am the mist. I am Ophira." Then the guy next to Ala "I am shadows, I am your nightmares, I am terror. I am Than." Then the one who had flipped out and landed in the middle spoke "I am the shadows, I am the void, I am revenge. I am Beta." Finally the guy who had spoken first "I am the betrayed, the tempests, and I am the ocean storms. I am Theron. We come to help in your war."

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