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Aleta's POV

When I woke up Zale and Rebecca were huddled in corners rocking back and forth and Iota was screaming at the empty halls. Tala was sitting against the wall tears in her eyes. Me and her had been awake to see Daph die and weren't knocked out until later. Zale and Becca were knocked out when it happened. I bet finding out was what pushed them over the edge. Then a tall man with dark black skin and I'm talking for reals black like black of the night or a black leather jacket

 He had blood red eyes that seemed to be filled with rage, anger, and pain like he'd been hurt and used anger to compensate. I know that feeling. His nails were grown out in claws and his teeth were sharpened both were a sickly yellow color. "They will come for you and when they do. I will kill them." "No you won't," was heard from the corner."You forget I am fate I know what will happen and you will not be killing them." This was the first thing she'd said this entire time. "Your powers are useless. How do you know?" He asked. "Seeing beyond is like another sense not a power. So unless you kill me I'll still be able to see beyond." He nodded glared and dragged her out of the cage. Shortly after the screaming started but it wasn't of pain or peril or fear. No, it was the screams of a madman or more accurately madwoman. I frowned. She was slipping. Time passed and she didn't return but the screams had stopped. More time passed still no Zale. More time still nothing. Then more time and she finally returned. She had this odd look in her eye and I couldn't tell what it meant I can usually read people but not right now. It almost looked like she was plotting, insane, and angry but somehow happy. Her eyes were aflame and she had this look like she had a plan but yet their seemed to be a glisten of joy. I don't know what at. Having a plan or something else. It was the something else that scared me. I've seen her when she gets like this and its never pretty. The last I don't even want to think about that. From the other corner Rebecca giggled maniacally. I'm thinking we'll be out of here soon. 

When he came back it was for Rebecca and the same screams of a madwoman were heard and just like before they stopped and the hours drug on. When she returned she spoke for the first time "shadows, shadows are my friends," she put her fingers in the shadows and continued "they've always protected me. They're part of me now." Yep we're getting out soon.

The next few days all went the same. First food, then Zale was taken, then food, then Rebecca was taken, then food, and then sleep. He didn't see he was only accelerating the time. They're like time bombs. Time bombs that he keeps taking time from. They started at months and then he took a few weeks off. Then a few more. Then more and more until it was only a few weeks maybe three and then he took days. More and more days. Now their at hours. I can see it. They've changed. Their a mess and their eyes have gotten worse. Its absolute insanity and joy. There isn't any more scheming. They're going to blow. Then today it changed they took Tala. That's it they're done. When their like this they're more dangerous than mother bears and these charms won't do a thing. Zale and Becca looked up and glared. Zale laughed "Very well, you'll meet your fate." She laughed more and then Becca laughed and murmured "Revenge is sweet, shadows are my friends not yours." The shadows grew and swirled. The wind grew. She was using water vapor. They used stronger powers than anyone and destroyed all their foes. Then the bricks started to shake whether from Zale or Rebecca I didnt know. Rebecca could have shadows beating at the wall or Zale could be messing with the water in them. I've never seen things like this before. The shadows were alive and killing, the water in everything was under Zale's control. The water in your blood, the air, blocks, everything.  

He got away but no one else did they're all dead either strangled by their own shadows or the blood boiled by a glare until it evaporated. They unlocked us and we walked out. We looked up to the sky and saw two planets nearby had just exploded. One oozed black liquid and the other ripped to shreds by a hurricane until it just shattered. I can only imagine what's happening on earth. 

3rd persons POV

If only Aleta knew. On Olympus Hera had fallen from her throne and was on the floor with a pallid face and a look of utter fear. "Oh, gods." She murmured and then Artemis screamed "We're dead! We're all dead!" Then together "MORGANA! ESTELLE!" In camp Luke looked up at the stars wishing for Zale when he saw a darkness cover some stars like a cloak of shadows. He ran and grabbed Percy but when they returned the stars has returned but now glowed blue. The cloak returned and spread. Campers screamed and a dark blue anchor flashed across the sky. Then not a moment later the cloak pulsed a dark red. It was like thunder and lightning one after the other over and over. Campers were running now. The little Hermes boy who had asked them to sacrifice food their first morning there ran and said "everywhere is dark and flooding. Even deserts and inland countries." They ran to Thalia's pine and saw water lapping at the edge surrounding the camp it grew higher until it was all over the dome protecting them covering the camp completely underwater. The gods flashed down with Estelle and Morgana and Hera said "I know what's happening, but Percy and Luke we'll need your help and we need to find them immediately." Then out of nowhere they appeared in front of them. Zale's and Becca's eyes were rimmed with red and a trident and cloak were evident in their eyes. Percy and Luke walked closer in fear slowly stepping. Luke had heard of this but never had he seen it and he was terrified. He walked closer but then their eyes started to fade. Hera transported a nuclear blast shelter around the campers and put in blast resistant windows just in case the girls blew up or lashed out terribly. They waited and waited until Zale and Rebecca just collapsed falling to the ground.

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