Show Me The Way

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Percy's POV

I hadn't been paying much attention until we started talking about angels but when Restellia said those words I was the most alert I've been in months. I was nervous but Restellia and Eclipsta wouldn't take no for an answer. Their eyes momentarily flashed and an Iris message like screen appeared. In the screen Zale was sitting playing a game she won and then started a new one then she looked around frantically like she was expecting something to jump out at her but then she was confused like she didn't know what was going on or why she was nervous. She looked up and stared at a river of floating objects. To me it looked like the Styx but I knew it was different because I knew each of these items. I stared at them and the longer I looked the more I broke. One was a camp necklace, another her charm bracelet, another a bust of Hera. These were her memories. She tried to reach out but it floated just out of reach. Then I noticed another object it was her wedding ring. I looked over to Luke and he looked ready to break. So was I though even if I never was related to Poseidon she is still my sister. She was broken and then she started rocking back and forth mumbling. "Please, please, who am I? Please, please, please, don't take that to. Please, please, please..." she stopped and came to a sudden realization "Let me die. Let me die." Luke fell to his knees sobbing and yelling "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" over and over. Then the screen  changed it was Rebecca she was stumbling around " I?" she asked shakily "Who am I? I want to remember. Let me remember please or...or...or...." she mumbled the rest of it and then stumbled and looked around frantically and screamed. Then she was confused. "Help me..." she said quietly as she started to faint "Help me...or kill me." and then she fainted. I reached at the screen and fell to my knees. Everything fell around me and I couldn't hear. I felt my mouth moving forming words but all I knew was what I saw and I saw the others start to lose hope for their friends no...they're family. I turned to face Estelle, Morgana, Nyx, and Hera, asking for a little hope that they could fix this and Restellia and Eclipsta laughing Tala and Daph were horrified and I could tell it was mostly them but some Amaya and Diana. I noticed another thing to. The boys had just left with tears streaming down their face horrified to be losing their mothers.  Luke was the worst though his face was utter despair, hopelessness, and pain. He was ready to be done. Ready to give up and frankly the only thing keeping me here is the kids. I finally broke out of it knowing if that was us they never would've given up I stood and helped Luke then we picked up everyone else and Diana spoke "There is still something that can be done. First get them out of here." She pointed to the Demons. We called Chiron over and he took them away and she continued "If we get them out we can help them slowly recover out here. It will be slow though. If you want it to go faster we can try fixing it inside but there is a great deal more risk of it becoming irreversible or simply worse." "How?" asked Luke "How do we get them out?" Diana looked directly at him and said "We send someone in." Now we were confused "How?" This time it was me and Amaya answered me "I am an angel of hope and I know for a fact that when you're trapped by a demon the only thing that gives you hope is someone else that knows whats happening. We have three options of people to send in a(someone they know but at this point that's probably no one b(someone who knows them and isn't easily broken c(an angel seeing as there's only two of us here that's a no. So anyone here can go except me and Diana." "Quick question," piped up Scythe quietly "How will we get into contact with whoever's in there?" Diana answered "Through us I can speak through a representative of peace and whoever we send in will become that. All that's left is who will go." Luke spoke up "I'm going." Diana and Amaya nodded "We need two more volunteers there are two trapped so one to help and the other to make sure no one gives up." Scythe spoke up again " Then I nominate Healer and Percy. They have the best chance." They nod and start to chant " άρτε αυτά τα τρία στη σφαίρα του πόνου όπου η οικογένεια υποφέρει . άρτε τους εκεί , έτσι ώστε να μπορεί να βοηθήσει . άρτε τους στο σημείο όπου η θλίψη περιπλανιέται . άρτε τους στο σπίτι τους δαίμονες." Soon the three crumpled to the ground. She nodded and said "They arrived safely." Now we wait.

Zale's POV

I was sitting in a ball room now when I heard chanting it was weird. Then three people arrived all boys two blonde one with black hair. The other girl with me turned as well. The boys stood and looked up. One of them was the guy. The guy I remembered. I know him some how. I smiled. I...i...i smiled. The other girl was smiling to. She must know one of them. The boys smiled  as well and looked so genuinely happy to see us. "Ok, now what?" The blonde I didn't know asked. Then a new voice came and said "Talk to them duh," They nodded and the black haired one said "Well, hi." The blonde I knew said "Well, you don't know us" his voice cracked and then he went on "but we know you, and we are here to help you?" The other girl spoke for the first time "How? How can you help us when we don't even know our names?" The black haired one whispered this time "We know you, we know your names, we know who you are, we know your favorite food, band, color, and we know what all of these things above you are." The blonde I knew spoke "We know you and we'll help you get out of here," I nodded and said "Show me the way."

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