New recruits

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Zale's POV

In the doorway stood Reyna, Will, Connor and Travis, Frank, Leo, and Clarrise. I looked to percy and mind messaged him who it was he nodded. I let them in. Theta, Delta, Iota and the rest of the beta team still had their hoods on but no one else. Percy spoke first "Why are you here?" Surprisingly Clarrise replied "We want to join your team. We're sick and tired of being here. No one can fight. We're being ruled over and we're terrified. We hate it here get us out. Please." Did Clarisse just say please? Chaos then randomly popped up skipped around and said "I don't care it's up to mister commando here." Percy nodded "sure. We'll say you guys were sent on a quest and were killed and that we had a few members who hadn't arrived yet do to separate missions but you've arrived now. Now code names." Leo jumped up and said "Ooh I'll be Flames." Then everyone else shrugged. "Can I choose for you?" I asked. They nodded and I said " OK Frank your shifter. Connor Thief. Travis Tyrant. Will Healer. Reyna Empress. Clarrise War." Then I talked to Percy and he talked to chaos. I was given my answer. "We can make three of you alpha team members and the rest will have to be beta team members. After careful consideration we've chosen Frank, Reyna, and Clarrise for alpha team. You three will become primordials but all of you will be given a higher immortality. Frank you are first." I grabbed all the supplies for the ritual which are coal, red fruit juice, powdered chaos metal, three cloaks, armor, masks, and shoes. I stood in front of him as Thalia floated the bowls. I began "Fate, containing the power to alter the universe is given the ability to make primordials. Frank Zhang by Fate is it given by fate is it taken. You have been called as primordial of Animals, Shapeshifting, and those who have died in battle. You will feel their pain and know their stories. Use this power wisely." Then I took the coal and drew to spears in an x across his forehead. Then I called forward Clarrise "Fate, containing the power to alter the universe is given the ability to make primordials. Clarrise La'Rue by Fate is it given by fate is it taken. You have been called as primordial of War, Battle, and redemption. You will lead and give mercy to those deserving. Use this power wisely." Then I drew a single spear that seemed electrified on her forehead with the red juice. Then came Reyna "Fate, containing the power to alter the universe is given the ability to make primordials. Reyna Alvira Ramirez-Arellano by Fate is it given by fate is it taken. You have been called as primordial of strength, strategy, and hidden emotions. You will feel the pain of others and know their stories. You will be able to gift strength as you did before. Use this power wisely." Then I drew a crown on her forehead with the powdered chaos metal. Then I passed out the masks, cloaks, armor, and shoes. Then I summoned their weapons and changed them a bit. Then I turned to the others and handed out the same things. Then Jason walked in hood down. Leo had no idea he was here. Jason stopped and saw Leo and started. "Oh, hey man." Leo smiled widely. Then we introduced everyone else. Including Beta team.

That was when the screaming started and the sounds of war began.

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