They Thought Wrong

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Zale's POV

The dark faded around me and I came back to my senses. Slowly I rose to my knees and then to my feet. I stalked forwards toward my deepest and darkest monsters that lay in my head. I walked even closer and the memories and all they stood for flooded towards me rushing in torrents like a great river. One that I may never be able to cross. I looked over quickly at Becca who was also struggling with hers. I silently thanked her for shouting those simple words.  The words that banished the dark and tossed away that evil cackle. I continued to walk the thoughts and fears trying to take hold again. However, I knew that at this point the only way for them to truly win was for them to extinguish my light forever. They'd have to kill me and I'm one hard cookie to crack. I stepped closer and closer until I was right in front of the monsters. I was wincing now all my concentration focused on keeping them out. I was past the point of no return, at the edge of the cliff one wrong step would send me a tumbling down and down into the dark pits of my mind. Then I had an idea. 

"Down once more to the dungeons of my dark despair. Down we plunge to the prisons of my mind..." I murmured and let them in. I watched it all unfold. I saw every time someone I cared about died, everything I had ever lost, all my fears, all my negative thoughts, I saw everything that fueled my long hidden depression. Every last bit. I relived it all in vivid detail as if it was happening once again. "I know what you are, what I fear, what I've lost, what I've thought about myself, I know everything about my mind after all it is mine. Essentially you are me and I you. In fact there is only one difference..." I spoke staring them straight in the face.

"And what is that?" one of them asked.

"The only difference between us is that I have the power to change and to excel based on you. You though, you will always remain the same just a memory or thought. Something that makes me who I am. Your future will always be black, your kingdom that you have built that rules me will splinter, your land will be cursed with a death and darkness and bareness like an unending winter. You know what else, I will always have lows you are evidence of that but they," I spoke then pointing at my friends and family "are evidence that I will also have high points. You will always be sad. You don't control me, I control you and right now. I don't need you." A storm picked up, wind swirled by and all but one disappeared I was still not over one. I looked at it and knew exactly which one still cursed me. Losing Luke. 

"Zale, my beautiful girl, I need you to know. I won't ever leave you again. I can't leave you. Because you know what? Even if we are apart I will always care for you always. Nothing you could do or say would change that. In fact, I'm  also scared of losing you. I believe it would be easier for you if we were separate you could deal with our separation far better than I could and yes I've seen you when we're not together and being separated, but it would be 200 times worse for me Zale. I won't ever leave you and I will do anything in my power to get you back if I do." Luke yelled from where he stood I turned and saw him standing there tears running down his face with Percy standing behind him yelling something to Becca. The tears fell down my face and I turned back to the monster.

"I'll always have Luke, in my heart. He will never leave me. All my memories have him there. He will never be gone." I spoke strongly "Oh, and one more thing once I've accepted my flaws and fears no one. Not even you. Can use them against me. You know what I've accepted them they will always be part of me and they make me who I am." I spoke even stronger pushing it at the monster and then the storm picked up again and the wind swirled and it was gone. I fell to my knees.

Rebecca's POV

"NO! I won't give up!" I yelled from where I was on my knees the memories and fears battering me. It all hurt so much. I turned to look at Percy and saw him with tears running down his face. I stood up and pushed forward. I needed to win. I walked further and further forwards, but each step brought more pain. 

"Rebecca! I love you! Always have! I need you! I can't go any longer without you! Please just make it back!" Percy yelled off in the distance. Tears sprang forward and I continued on-wards. "Rebecca, you are not just my friend and my love, but you are my heart. No, not even just that Rebecca you are my life, my everything and I know this is really sappy and cliche but it's so true. Another thing is I can't even fully describe my love for you but if you could just look through my eyes you would see, what you are to me." He continued trying to bring me up. Then the words came back. "Becca, I know that you have flaws and fears and things you've lost but the thing is I will never. Never. Let you face them on your own. I may not be able to fix and heal all your injuries and scars but I can darn well help you through them. You will never be alone so long as I'm here. Not to mention everyone else would never leave you either. You are you and that is the one thing that can never be changed and these flaws, fears, issues, everything. That is you. My beautiful, darling, amazing, Becca. I wouldn't change you for anything." He finished and I found the strength to face these demons. I walked closer and closer until I was in their faces.

"Hey, guess what monsters. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass and I won't I'll dance in the rain. You monsters you are that storm and I'm gonna dance. I am me and you are me were just one big dysfunctional family, but the thing is. Your not my only family and because of that I can face you I can deal with you. Because they except even though I have you and nothing will change that. The heavens and the Earth may fade away but their love for me never will. So I will weather this storm, stand tall, and dance. I will enjoy my days with them." I started to turn and walk away and then added "Oh, but I must thank you, for leading me to them." The wind howled a storm picked up and they disappeared behind me. I ran towards Percy and the girls and dived into his arms. He spun me around and we sat there in each others embrace. Then the girls hugged us too and eventually Zale and Luke joined. It was one massive group hug. Then we all fell over because Percy decided leaning back was a good idea. After toppling down we set on our way back to the center of our minds. I looked around as we walked and noticed that it was no longer what i feared the most but a beautiful meadow, because although things scared me they were apart of me and I knew that now. 

Zale's POV

We started on our journey back to the center and I turned to Luke thinking about earlier when he'd tried to tell my life story. I think it's time I tell him everything and explain everything. Although that can wait until we get back home. 

Soon we were at the center of our minds and there was still a river but it was different now. Nicer somehow. Luke and Percy both bowed and gestured for us to go first. So Rebecca and I walked in to the center and found ourselves sinking and then darkness came. 

When I next awoke I was on Earth and in a bed surrounded by white and other beds. I brought myself up and found I was in the camp infirmary. I looked around and saw all the girls on beds. On the bed on my right Rebecca was just waking up and then to my left Luke woke up shortly after. Followed by Percy. I looked throughout the room and saw Will wake up to and then Connor's head popped up suddenly. He turned around and looked straight at us. He smiled and started to yell. 

"Guys!! Guys! They're BACK!" He yelled waking up Travis. Travis woke up sluggishly but when he saw us he rushed over and stood next to us.

"Guys, the angels were never on our side. They've been putting the girls into comas. They work for HIM." He whispered quickly. My eyes went wide. They work for HIM, for HIM of all people. 

"Angels!" I whisper yelled. "On, HIS side?!" I asked in shock. He just nodded and I let that slowly sink in. Oh gods, after we got trapped in there they used it to their advantage. They thought it would weaken us. Well, they thought wrong. 

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