Where are they?

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Tala's POV

Where is he? Oh gods! Where is he? Its so different without him! He was one of the five children of Chaos one of our leaders. He was one of my best friends! Oh gods we are falling apart without him! We need him! We need them all! Zale, Luke, Him, and Her. With Zale and Luke dead we've lost our cheerfulness. With him and her we've lost two great leaders. If your confused she disappeared shortly after the battle and it's really taken a toll. The whole camp senses it. WE'RE FALLING APART!! Now here I was a wreck worried and pacing or crying or staring blankly at a wall. I haven't talked to anyone. Well unless you count the stars. I think they're getting worried. They need to return.

Isle's POV

Everything is so diwithout without them. The teams don't know what to do. We're all depressed. We are falling away and its not smart. We need to get back together but we just can't they were our glue. I just miss Zale so much she was one of my best friends and it hurt to burn her shroud. I don't know how much longer I can do this. I'm breaking but I'm trying to stay strong. It's not going to well though. I remember one day here at camp someone stole one of Zale's cookies and she chased them everywhere but to get them back she stole Mr. D's Coke and Chiron's records and planted them all over their cabin. It was hilarious to see them run out fuming and watching the camper have no idea how any of it happened. Or that time we planned Octavian's death by tossing him in tartarus chained over a fire. I wish she was here.

Mania's POV

Where is he? Over the past few days I've only been talking to Delta the past few days. I really miss him and her and Zale and Luke. They were family and now they're gone. Nothing can make this better except their return. They helped me when things got rough and now they're gone.

?????'s POV

I woke up on the floor of a cell. It was dark and damp. My head ached as I slowly sat up "?????" I yelled if I was kidnapped he was here to. "Yeah," was the groggy response. I smiled at least I had him. He's family. We can make it. At that moment I promised myself I'd get him back to his girlfriend. We would escape. Then I heard a groan a familiar groan "Wait you're here to?" I asked. Then a thought struck I didn't see him after battle either.

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