On Our Way Home...Or Not...Part 1

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Luke's POV

"First we've got to go talk to her," I said pointing to Rebecca. "Who is she," Asked Zale gently. I looked at her she genuinely doesn't remember her best friend. She's forgotten her. I frowned a little. I hope this works. "That is Rebecca," I said gently to her "She's his wife," I pointed to Percy and Will looked up confused. "You guys are married?" Will asked Percy. Percy nodded "yeah it was an extremely small wedding cause we did it right after  a mission where she nearly died. It was only me, Becca, Zale, Luke, Hera, and Chaos." Will nodded and murmured "explains why I didn't know." Percy heard but I zoned out because I felt a hand snake into mine I looked over at Zale who hadn't changed. Then she looked at me and then our hands and blushed she didn't even realize she'd done it. She quickly pulled away her hand and I sighed it felt so nice to hold her hand again. She turned to me and asked "Who am I?" I looked over and said "You are Zale Halimeda." She nodded and suddenly asked "How do I know you?" I was confused "What?" I asked. "Well, I know you. Somehow, I remember you." I smiled "Well we grew up together." I answered I didn't want to rush her. She nodded and said "Is that it. I feel like there's more." I looked at her and said would you really like to know." She nodded but we'd just arrived at Becca who looked at us and pointed at Percy saying "You, I know you. Who am I? and where can I get some food." Percy was shocked but smiled it was a start. "You're Rebecca and I have no idea where the food is but I could really use some." She smiled and looked him over and said "You're drop dead gorgeous." He smiled widely and said "You've got me lost at sea in those eyes of yours." She smiled again and said "So where are we going?" Percy looked directly at her and said "Home." She nodded and we began to walk again.  "Diana says go towards the center of what they both see." Will said. The girls were puzzled and asked "Who's Diana?" in sync. I held back a smile and said "She's helping us get you out." They nodded and I asked Zale what she saw "Well at the moment I see the two rivers again. They're black water and they meet there." She pointed to a spot and I saw Becca pointing to the same spot we walked that way and when we got closer they both started to freak out "I don't want to go in, please." whispered Zale. I sat her down and knelt next to her and whispered "It's ok. Here do you know about demons?" She shook her head and I said "Well that's what has you trapped here. People always say that to get out you have to beat them but what they don't understand is how to." She looked carefully at me and I continued "Demons prey on strong emotions and fear is one of those so if you can beat your fear you can get out."

~Meanwhile out of their heads~
Aleta's POV

"How does he know this?" asked Amaya as we watched it all unfold from Will's point of view. Luke had just told Zale somethings I didn't even think of. Isle to the side of me said "I think he's just putting pieces together we know they've been beating the demons but they're not getting out. So he just put two and two together. He's smart like that." Amaya nodded and Diana said "I don't think it's possible to fix their memory out here." "Why not?" asked Leto very suddenly. "Because, the demons have the memories and by taking them out we kick out the demons they'll never get their memories back that way." "Then what do we do?" asked Diamanda. "They'll have to get the memories back from in there but the Demons will fight back. It's risky." "We have to though," replied Alexandra "Tell them to go through with it."

~Back in their heads~
Luke's POV

She had calmed down and said "If you're with me I can do it," Then Will said "Well we're going to have to take a detour. We have to get their memories back from in here." Percy and I nodded and he asked "Where do we go now then?" Will pointed to the very edge and said "Diana says it's easier for the memories to take root if they have a little knowledge about them so tell them their life stories while we walk." We nodded and I said "Well looks like you'll get to learn more about how you know me." She smiled and grabbed my hand again. I smiled and started "We lived not too far away from each other and our mother's were friends. So one day my mother came to visit yours and we met at the tender age of six months. We were best friends ever since. At the time you already had some other friends Sophia and Rebecca who had been family friends longer than me and my mom had. I didn't ever meet them until later though. We grew closer over the years and you had this adventurous spirit about you and would often find monsters to keep as pets." She laughed a little at this and said "Isn't that dangerous?" I nodded "A little bit, but anyways you and your mom had a great relationship but one day one of your pets got angry and almost killed you and your mom. I'd been planning to run for awhile and we decided we'd go together the next day because you didn't want your mom to get hurt. So we ran, we lived on the streets running from monsters and hiding for a long time and one day we met another girl named Thalia she joined us on the run and we ran for longer. Then another girl joined us. She was a lot younger than us and we became a family. Oh, I should also explain. Well after a year of run one day you disappeared. It was another while before you came back with Hera. She said that she had needed your help to defeat a terrible threat and you had. You never really talk about that part of your life so I really have no idea what happened. After running for years-" Will interrupted me and said "We should get some rest," I nodded and we went to sleep. I couldn't fall asleep for awhile thinking about Zale and all our happy memories. I did eventually fall asleep while thinking of the day she got back from disappearing.  

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