Run, run please run

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Sita's POV

It's been a week since mommy and aunt Rebecca woke up and Tisa and Thalatha won't leave the closet. They've locked themselves in and won't tell us what happened. I want mommy. I haven't seen her since she disappeared. I miss her. She would sing to us every night and tuck us in and then tell us a story. It was always about this one girl and guy their names were Zalencia and his was Lucheron. They had weird names but I liked them, they remind me of mommy and daddy. I haven't seen daddy for a while either. Tala comes up everyday though and talks to us through the door. She's nice. I like her. "Hey Kiddos," came from the other side of the door "How are you doing?" It was Tala I smiled and said "Me and Themania are great but Tisa and Thalatha won't come out of the closet." Then Themania spoke up "I miss mommy, daddy, and aunt Zale." "I know kiddo but we're working on it. As for Tisa and Thalatha don't count on them coming out. They saw some pretty awful things," Replied Tala. "Will you tell us a story?" I asked and she started "Once Upon A Time there was a girl named Zalencia but you already know her don't you, but do you know how her and Lucheron met?" "No," me and Themania said. "Well here we go. When Zalencia was just a young girl living with her mommy and pets she was happy and had three best friends Sophialana, Beccalynn, and Lucheron. One day one of her pets got angry and attacked her and her mommy. They almost died that day and Zalencia didn't ever want her mommy to be hurt again. So she ran away with Lucheron. They ran and ran and ran for years, until they arrived in the magical kingdom of Halfine Bloodia. During their travels they met two young girls named Annie and Thaliat. When they first arrived at Halfine Bloodia Thaliat was attacked, magic saved her and she became a tree. Annie, Lucheron, and Zalencia grew very close and Zalencia and Lucheron fell in love. They realized this when training to serve in the king's army they had to battle and he let her win once, she asked him why and he answered he had realized something. Later he told her he loved her and they dueled again this time she let him win. They were happy until a young man named Percival showed up. Now it wasn't his fault, but it started when he showed up. Lucheron aligned himself with the evil king Kronium he told Zalencia and begged her to go with him she refused but swore she'd never love another." She ended there and left. I smiled she knew the stories. Now why are they so familiar.

Tala's POV

Just as I finished the story Percy mind messaged me "We're having a meeting, center of camp now." I walked out and saw the entire camp gathered as well as the Chaos squads, Estelle, Morgana, Nyx, and Hera. Estelle started "I think it's time to tell you what's happening." Then Percy and Luke, Luke wore his cloak, brought out Zale and Rebecca they wheelchairs staring vacantly ahead with their cloaks on. "Let's start at the beginning," Nyx said. Estelle then said "First everyone meet Zale and Rebecca." Annabeth looked up gasping "Zale....that mean's," she looked at Luke. "Off topic," said Estelle pulling down their hoods. Annabeth gasped again at the sight of an old friend with blood stained white hair and white eyes. "When these two were born they gained another...not personality," said Morgana. "More like they were possessed by a demon of destruction. Now these demons play around with their hosts and are let out by anger. So when they got angry and all the anomalies were happening that was the demons. Now the demons are messing with them. First signs are changes in looks then bleeding and a momentary lapse then shaking. Those have all happened-" A camper cut her off "Why do their looks change?" She answered patiently "The demons like to look like themselves so these two have white hair and white eyes." The camper nodded and she continued "Someone needs to watch them at all times after the signs it's all just random acts to mess with the host. Watch them." Everyone nodded. Then suddenly the wind picked up and the big house exploded. Everyone ran over to make sure no one was hurt. When we realized everyone was already out there we turned back to see Zale and Becca missing from their chairs. Then the singing started "Are you, Are you, coming to the tree. They strung up a man they say who murdered three. Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be. If we met at midnight in the hanging tree. Are you, Are you, coming to the tree. Where dead man called out for his love to flee. Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be if we met at midnight in the hanging tree. Are you, Are you, coming to the tree. Where I told you to run so we'd both be free. Strange things did happen here. No stranger would it be. If we met at midnight in the hanging tree." Everyone started to panic I knew they were going to hang themselves I ran into the woods looking for them. "Are you, Are you coming to the tree. Where a necklace of rope side by side with me. Strange things did happen here. No stranger would it be. If we met at midnight in the hanging tree." Percy and Luke were yelling "Zale! Rebecca!" They caught up to me and said "we know where they're going." We ran harder. "Are you, are you, coming to the tree. Where I told you to run so we'd both be free. Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be. If we meet at midnight in the hanging tree." They were tying nooses when we arrived. We yelled at them to stop. "Are you are you coming to the tree they strung up a man they say who murdered three. Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be. If we met at midnight in the hanging tree. Are you are you coming to the tree where dead man called out for his love to flee. Strange things did happen her no stranger would it be if we met at midnight in the hanging tree." They tied the nooses to the tree and cackled in scratchy voice "You've lost, hehehe." Then Zale broke through "Run, Run, please run. I don't want you to-" the demon took back control. They'd finished tying and whispered "do you know this tree. This tree is where a man named Leopold died. He looked at the tree and suddenly wanted to die so he tied a noose and snap. While he was hanging he saw something a little carving that allows us to use the tree. When his love went looking she found him and he called out flee! So she ran and now here your love tells you to run. How I love this tree." Then they lunged and I noticed the third noose. They went going to hang themselves they were going to hang us.....Zale's words slowly fell into place "Run. Run. Please run. I don't want you to-die." She should've listened when she heard "Run. Run. Please run."

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