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Zale's POV

"Storm, Jason, and Percy." Said Tala. By now all campers had left. I just about collapsed again. "Where's Rebecca?" I asked urgently. "In her room. Why?" Answered Isle. I ran over Isle, Tala, and Luke trailing after. I knocked on her door and said "Rebecca." She growled back "Go away I don't want to talk to you Leto." "Well, thats nice but I'm not Leto so open up," I answered. "P.s. I've got jellybeans." She growled back "I said go away Zale." Then she paused and replied again this time her voice cracked "Zale." Then the door opened. She hugged me and said "Percy's gone." "I know but we'll find him. I promise." I answered "just try not to kill anyone." She nodded and walked out. It was tough seeing Rebecca like this but it made sense. They were just about to get married. I looked at Tala she was close to breaking entirely. It was clear to see she wasn't sleeping and maybe not eating I'm worried for her. We'll have to find them fast. Then came chaos. Who popped up and said "I know where they are! I just can't get to them!"

Storm's POV

So me Jason and Percy are stuck here. Where exactly is here. Well its on a mystery planet. That only me, Jason, and Percy have ever been to. So no one knows where this planet is besides chaos but I bet they blocked the universe. Which is when someone really powerful blocks chaos from being able to see in. Most of the time its just this planet. Now I bet its the universe. Now its kind of like an internet block but much more powerful. So far nothings happened. That is until HE walked in. "Good to see you again." HE said. Percy replied "Well I'd like to say the feeling is mutual but then I'd be a liar." HE snarled. Then dragged Percy away. He was gone for hours and when he returned it wasn't pretty. He had cuts and bruises and burns.

∆∆∆∆ 2 Months Later∆∆∆∆

Each of us have been tortured. It happens every day. First Percy then Jason and then Me. He slices, beats, and burns. He even shocks us. He's brutal. We're living off the minimum food and water. They won't give Percy much. I've lost hope we're the only ones who have been here. Chaos can't see us and I can feel it I'm dying. If they don't hurry I'm dead. Jason and Percy will live longer because they're primordials. I won't. Jason can feel it to and he's giving me his food and trying to take my torture sessions but it never works. It was my turn now. He strapped me into his machine and started electrocuting me which normally doesn't work but this is dark lightning. I screamed. He'd turned the voltage up. Then he took his sword and made a cut on the back of my leg. Then in burst Jason followed by Percy, Rebbeca, Tala, and Zale. Percy, Rebecca, Tala, and Zale took HIM on and Jason came to free me. He pulled me down and yelled "RUN!!" We did. We escaped and made it to camp safely. Chaos came up and said "Yeah, they're safe. I should probably tell Zale where her cookies are which by the way I didn't steal. It was the demons." Four kids popped up two boys and two girls. "Oh come on you know you love us." Said one boy. The other boy said through a mouthful of cookie "We told you not to tell her." "Well I wouldn't of told if you demons hadn't put gum and bows in my hair," shot back chaos. Then one girl said "Well we wouldn't if put gum in your hair if you'd just told us where you hid our weapons." "And painted our room." Added the other girl. Then Zale spoke "Tisa and Sita. We told you to stay with chaos not torture him. However good job. I want my cookies." The second boy to speak said "Fine, chaos go get them." Chaos brought them back. "Thanks kids," Zale chirped and ran with her cookies. "Hey kids," said Percy. The two others smiled and yelled Dad. Tisa and Sita smiled and yelled uncle Percy and they all hugged him. "Really, no hugs for me," said Luke in outrage. Tisa and Sita smiled ran over yelling Dad and hugged him. Wait they have kids.

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