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Leo's POV 

I was working on a machine the morning after the creepy people arrived. If this one worked it would be the first in 1,000 years. I haven't had one working since they died. No they aren't dead they made it somehow. Somehow they made. They had to. I felt really bad. I wasn't there for them. I was always gone when they needed me. Never there. Always with Calypso. I was distraught but I couldn't show it Devin and Logan had threatened to turn on me, to burn down bunker nine, to kill people and blame it on me, everything that would've ruined my life and it scared me because I knew they could do all of it. I mean it was already terrible I'd lost Jason, Pipes, Calypso, and my skills, but it could always get worse. The machine I'd been working on blew up in my face. 

Connor's POV

Me and Travis still pranked all the time after they left but it was only ever the Posieden Zeus Athena and Aphrodite cabins. We had to be a lot carefuller now though. Before it was death threatenings now its torture and they mean it. Man if Luke were here he would've shown them. Camp isn't fun anymore it's terrifying for those who still support Percy, Hazel, Nico, Thalia, and Jason. 

Will's POV

Camp has changed a lot. My healing powers on the fritz, my whole cabin pretty much hates me, and campfires just aren't as good anymore. The flames are always lower and darker then when they were here. It's dangerous to even say their names now unless your bashing them. I hate it here. 

Frank's POV

My life is terrible. Being Praetor with Reyna is great but the Greeks forced a treaty on us where they practically rule our camp it was either that or annihilation. We can't say anything they don't like. Not to mention Hazel is gone. The love of my life gone most likely dead and now that this war has started it's even worse. We've been commanded to move to their camp. Where they will have the utmost control over us.

Reyna's POV

This is terrible. Nico's gone and after all the pain he's been threw already. Me and Frank are being ruled over. Frank isn't the same. I just really miss Nico he was a great friend. We knew so much about each other. He was the only I ever told. My best friend and now he's gone. Possibly for good. I let this happen if I had just visited more maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I feel responsible and I know it's probably close to impossible but I still feel that way. Nothing is going right and nothing ever will unless they return.

Clarisse's POV

You might find this very suprising but I actually miss that fish head and all his friends. If he was here life wouldn't be miserable. I wouldn't be fearing for my life and my friends life. I've been threatened to the point I'm terrified. I've got no where to go but I wish I did. Nobody comes back from quests anymore. No one trains. I've burned to many shrouds. They need to return. I'm terrified. Me, Connor, Travis, Leo, Frank, Reyna, and Will were all terrified. I don't wanna be scared anymore.

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