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Zale's POV

I've lost track of how many days. I've lost track of how many games. I've lost track of reality. I don't know what it's like to be alive anymore. Now it's just empty and numb. I know I had a reason once a reason to fight...but now....now it's a distant thought floating in the abyss of my mind. Floating away deeper and deeper into the sea of lost hope and misery. I have fleeting thoughts of memories like a taste flashing on my tongue for an instant. Like a smile curling on my face. Like a wish that I once had. Like a ghost of a memory. Just little flashes here and there. My scenery keeps changing and I don't know why. I don't even know what it was supposed to be before. Two rivers, what do they have to do with anything? There are only a few things I know anymore 1)I'm in my head, 2(I'm not alone there's another girl here trapped in her own head, 3( I need to get out and to get out I have to win but I don't know how or what and 4( A face its the only thing I really remember but I don't know who it is or why he's important. He's handsome though and he feels important like I know him, like I need him. He has blonde hair, blue eyes, and a pale scar on his face running from about his eye to his mouth. He's so familiar but I can't place him. Even this face threatens to fade though and I'm scared it's the only thing out of here I know and it brings me comfort. I don't know why but his face calms me and motivates me. He gives me hope. I don't want to loose him to. Not like everything else that haunts me at every hour. Above me floats everything I've lost just out of reach taunting me and I've tried to grab for it but it just floats a little higher I stood on a chair and it floated higher. That and the voice are the only two things around me that never change. They both taunt me. They both show me my failures. The voice speaks almost constantly beating me down. Tearing me apart piece by piece. It's as if I'm an old building ready to fall and they're
tearing me down but they're taking me apart brick by brick agonizingly slow. I sit there waiting for death, wishing, hoping for it but they draw it out. They take me apart. I'm losing touch with all humanity and it knows that it pulls on that and it teases it asks "Do you want to live again? I could show you what it's like just for a day? Or an hour? Would you like that?" Its like I'm a dog and my master has a piece of meat that he holds out everyday but always pulls it away before I get it. It hurts.

Isle's POV

All of the Alpha and Beta squads stood in front of Nyx, Hera, Estelle, and Morgana as well as two others Sophia a daughter of Athena and a good friend and Angelica the only other daughter of Poseidon I know and also a good friend. Restellia and  Eclipsta sat with us and Estelle began to explain "Angelica I first need your permission to talk about a touch subject for all of us." Angelica who had been looking at her shoes looked up at this comment in shock we all knew what she wanted to talk about and none of us wanted to. Angelica gave a gulp and answered "Will it help us understand what's happening to them?" Estelle nodded "Very well, we may speak about Lacie's death." Estelle nodded and began "It all started the day Lacie died. As you all know that was the first time the girls went "insane" it was also the day the demons found them. On this day they were just them fighting but once they finished the demons Restellia and Eclipsta latched on. Demons search for the most destructive hosts ones who destroy others, themselves, anything really and latch themselves on. They're are only awakened when a negative emotion is at its highest point all those other times it was just Zale and Becca this is the first time the demons actually surfaced and gained control. Now I understand demons and their only weakness is Angels and Morgana understands them the best." Morgana took this as her cue and started "Angels like Demons latch themselves on to hosts but they latch onto the most reparative people or those who repair themselves or others the best. Angels are the opposite of demons except for one part surfacing. Demons surface when a negative emotion becomes very powerful angels surface when either a situation arrives when they're needed or when a positive emotion is at its highest. Angels make it their duty to fight demons and their surfacing side effects can vary. Really quickly though you need to remember they can stand on their own they just prefer hosts. Some common signs are delusions, mumbling a lot, slight change in looks, and...and being seemingly insane...and they tend to go through a traumatic experience before the angels surface..." She suddenly stopped and looked at Tala and Daph and I did to. I started to put the pieces together traumatic experience, delusions, mumbling, and insanity all of these things were happening to Daph and Tala. "Angel of Hope, peace,and Tala" I whispered it makes sense Daph and Tala are the angels they can save Becca and Zale. Luke and Percy seemed to have understood as well and were extremely hopeful looking and people started to piece it together as well. Tala and Daph looked up and Tala spoke in a voice that was not her own "Congratulations, you figured it out! I'm Amaya and this is Diana! We're here to help!" Her voice was soft and gentle like a cloud and sparkled like sunshine. Tala's voice was more like a living spring of hope. It just gave you hope that things could get better than they were. Restellia rolled her eyes and said "Even if you get them out. They'll never be the same. Would you like to see?"

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