The storm begins

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Zoe's POV

I remember living as a constellation you live on a light blue platform with all the other constellations. When chaos came and got me I was so happy. It was dull up there. I was the last one brought back. When I met Ethan he was broken. He had been shattered by all the wrong he had done and he and Luke always brought it up. Zale helped Luke but there was no one to help Ethan and he made it his goal to be really nice from then on. I did the one thing I never thought I would I fell in love. I slowly pieced him together again. Now we're here and I'm worried he'll fall apart. After Theron introduced himself and why we were here we want to our cabin which Theron had made. On the outside it looked just like one of their normal cabins but inside it was massive. We had a training room, enough rooms for each of us to have our own, a big kitchen, family room, living room, and meeting room. Once there we slid our hoods off and removed our masks. "So what's the plan?" I asked. I had lost the old English awhile ago. After having lived with this bunch it just disappeared. "Well," said Theron, "we'll put them on training and make their lives living tartarus. Oh and tomorrow we meet with the gods." We nodded and then separated to our rooms and slept.

Percy's POV

I'm back and I'm hating it. Not to mention I've already seen her. Wait why is she still alive it's been 10,000 chaos years that's 1,000 earth years she should be dead. Did they make her immortal? To answer my question Chaos appeared and said "Yep, she and all camp counselors as well as the lucky few they deemed worthy." I nodded glumly. This is stupid. Why here why? I was sitting on my bed messing with my looks when Jason knocked. "Come in!" I yelled. He walked in sat next to me. We were both remembering that dreadful day. At least Jason hasn't seen her yet. Then he spoke "what are we gonna do?" I had the perfect plan. "Well let's prank them. Fill the Athena cabin with spiders and steal all the Aphrodite kids make up and replace it with a cream that makes you ugly, change their clothes so their all really unfashionable, and steal all their left shoes." He nods and we go to get started. Everyone was asleep I planted the spiders and Jason replaced the makeup and clothes and stole the shoes. Then I threw in a surprise. A massive spider model the size of arachne. The following morning was going to be interesting.

^^^^^The next morning^^^^^

We awoke to the glorious sounds of screaming. The Athena cabin had found the spiders. Annabeth came running out of her cabin screaming at the Hermes cabin that it wasn't funny. Then the Aphrodite girls found their surprise. Piper came out ugly wearing a psychedelic shirt and baggy cargo pants and only a right shoe. Screaming about how she looked terrible. All in all it was a great morning but it only went down hill.

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