Please Don't Leave Me

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Aleta's POV

I was laying in the rafters of my room just thinking - a dangerous pass time I know - about life and everything. About falling. Thinking about memories. I remember the days following their fainting as if they were yesterday not months ago. Everyone withdrew became quieter and angrier. I remember Nico and everyone else leaving to a room until it was just Jason, Luke, Percy, and I. Then I left after all hallway or room there's no difference now. Either way its silent and alone. I fiddled with my ring. I miss him. He was the first to go he's lost a sister before this must be really hard for him. Then I heard something. I looked toward my door. A plate had just been slid under it. That meant food. It also meant hope. I jumped down and ate it quickly then I cracked open the door and saw Tala and Jason walking down the hall and....smiling......then they yelled "Long live Hope!" I opened it wider and smiled and said "Looks like you guys have found your way." They turned and Tala said "The least I can do is spread a little hope. It's my job." I nodded and began to walk with them. We slid food and notes under doors. We sang and smiled and spread hope soon we had almost everyone out from their rooms. Only the kids, Diamanda, and Alexandra stayed in their rooms now. I can understand it all. Diamanda and Alexandra were best friends with Daph, Rebecca, and Zale. The kids that's pretty straight forward. We had hope and we were finding the best in the situation. Shutting ourselves in didn't help, but this did. Friends and Family that's what helps. However it didn't last too long before tragedy struck.

3rd Person POV

Luke and Percy hadn't left Becca's and Zale's beds the entire time the entire Three months plus. Hera, Nyx, Estelle, and Morgana brought them food and visited the girls never talking just sitting. Sitting and silently hoping, hoping they'll wake up. Their hopes were fulfilled but not the way they expected or wanted. One day as Luke and Percy sat remembering all the little quirks the girls had. Zale's signature goofy smile. Becca's smirk. Just little things that they loved. When suddenly they started to float. The girls floated up into the air and the wind started to blow and slowly grew. The girls spun and their hair flayed about. Then their eyes shot open still white as the snow covering a field, a field of dreams and leaching the warmth and sun from the world. Then in a sudden flash their hair turned just as white, just as pale. They crashed back onto their beds and the wind roared louder then died suddenly. The boys started to yell "Morgana! Estelle! Nyx! Hera! Something's happened!" They ran in and noticed the wide open white eyes and white hair. It only got worse. Blood started to spill out of Becca and Zale's nose, ears, and gurgled out of their mouths. Midst the gurgling the girls started to speak "Let me die! let me Die! Stop! Let Go! I want to die! Leave me! Leave! Let me Die! The blood spilled onto their hair and tainted the snow with red. No one saw two little girls peep around the corner. No one saw Tisa and Thalatha gasp at the sight of their mothers and no one saw them run tears streaming down. "I know what's happening." Whispered Estelle quietly "Strap them down." Morgana suddenly realized and their faces went pallid. They strapped them down just as the shaking started. Becca and Zale appeared to be having a seizure a really bad one. "Oh, please, please, please don't die," whispered Luke with a tremble "Please." Luke and Percy fell to their knees and whispered together "Please, don't leave me."

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