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Zale's POV

I woke up to a familiar voice singing and the strumming of a guitar. I opened my eyes and smiled. Sitting at the foot of my bed was an old friend. On one of my missions I was sent to tartarus and she helped me out and protected me. I had gotten seriously injured and she helped me and now she's like another mother or aunt. There singing with a guitar was Nyx. I smiled and sang a little bit. She looked up smiled and said "Good, to see you awake bunny." It was her nickname for me. I smiled and said "No offense but how are you here?" She smiled again and said "Oh, I asked Morgana and Estelle to borrow their island." That got me excited they were always like my two crazy aunts. "Estelle! Morgana!" I beamed. She nodded laughing. Then a thought struck wait I died. "Nyx, how am I alive?" "Well Hera blessed you two to go straight to the isles of the blest and with Morgana's help I intercepted and brought you two back." She answered. "Wait you said two does that mean-" I started she interrupted "Yes he is here to." I smiled and jumped up. I ran along the island that I had fond memories on. Standing on the beach I found Luke staring into the Ocean. Nyx followed and Morgana and Estelle joined her. I snuck up on him and jumped on his back and yelled "Ah tis the noble steed but where is the rider?" He laughed and said "A stray jelly bean hit and he was electrocuted." I laughed and smiled saying "I understood that reference." We laughed and talked the rest of the day. The next day we hung out with family (Estelle, Morgana, and Nyx). The day after Luke and I had a serious conversation which I know is hard to believe but it did happen. He started "You know the last time something that threatened our lives I proposed and now its happened again and we're still not married. I've been thinking and I've decided that it's time. I mean we've been engaged quite a long time. Let's tie the knot." I smiled and said "That's a wonderful idea and we can do it when we get back. However if anyone is missing we wait. I want our whole family there." He nodded. Two days later we left. We arrived in California and took a plane to New York. Surprisingly Zeus didn't shoot us down. We walked back to camp and walked in Isle spotted us first and she ran over the first thing I said was "Well it took a while but we're back." She smiled and yelled "everybody get up here something amazing has happened." Everyone still alive ran up and our team smiled. Even with new hoods they could tell who we were. Then Luke asked "Did anyone on the teams die or dissapear." Isle nodded "Two went missing, one girl one guy." "Actually make that three," said Tala. "What! Who?" asked Isle. Then ran up a girl I knew very well. "ROYAL!" I yelled. She smiled and hugged me "sorry mom has me on another mission." I smiled and said "it's OK. Now fill me in who's missing?"

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