Catch Up

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Celene's POV

We walked through the massive castle for a while until we reached a game room where five people stood four girls and one guy. Chaos spoke "This is the team so far," as he spoke their names he pointed at them "Nireta, Beta, Anastas, Andra, and Brayleigh. Team this is..." We each spoke up with new names I started "Neona." Then Nico "Than." Then Hazel "Ophira." Then Thalia "Zephira." Then Jason "Ala." Finally Percy "Theron."

^^^^^^10,000 chaos years later^^^^^^

We've been living here happily with our team for 10,000 years now. With some new additions.Shortly after the introduction father said we'd need a bigger team so we made it out of forgotten, dead, replaced, and lost demigods. Our team consists of my five cousins, me, the original five, and five others. Our team consists of Anastas, Nireta, Belen, Callista, Pyrallis, Astra, Atalanta, Andra, Beta, and Brayleigh. The five you don't recognize are new you might know them better by their original names. Belen is Ethan Nakamura, Astra is Zoe Nightshade, Atalanta is Bianca Di Angelo, Pyrallis is Charles Beckensorf, and Callista is Silena Beauregard. Soon after the official formation of our sqaud -the alpha squad- we found out Anastas, Nireta, Beta, Andra, and Brayleigh's real names. You know Anastas as Luke Castellan. Beta is a daughter of Hades who left camp before Percy named Rebecca Storm. Nireta is a daughter of Posieden recently adopted by the fates who was left broken hearted after Luke's death. Andra is a daughter of Hermes named Aleta Caritina she was abandoned by her fellow quest mates and forgotten. Brayleigh is a daughter of Hecate who was an outcast because she was better with her magic, her name is Tala Avonmora. Since then some couples have formed. Anastas is with Nireta, Brayleigh is with Ala, Andra is with Than, Beta is with Theron, Astra is with Belen, Pyrallis and Callista are still together, and the rest of us are single. We've all changed a bit too. The guys have all gained some more muscle and scars, us girls gained some muscle to, and we can now use any weapon handed to us. Oh, did I forget to mention we became Primordial gods and goddesses.

Thalia's POV

Things have changed a lot these past 10,000 years. Like becoming primordials. Percy became the primordial of the betrayed, tempests, and Ocean storms. Beta is the primordial of the void, shadows, and revenge. Jason became Primordial of the heartbroken, the winds, and protection/defense, Celene became primordial of choices, the moon, and consequences. Nico became Primordial of the dead, nightmares, and terror. Hazel became primordial of precious ores and gems, underground, and the mist. I became primordial of the sky, weather, and danger.Luke became primordial of second chances, rage, and time. Zale became primordial of the sea and it's creatures, fate, and promises. Silena became primordial of beauty, love, and courage. Beckendorf became primordial of the forge, weapons, and fire. Ethan become primordial of powerful emotions, isolation, and traitors.Zoe became primordial of sacrifice, the stars, and strength. Bianca became primordial of tracking, the hunt, and compassion. Aleta the primordial of the lost, thievery, and pathways. Tala the primordial of hope, trust, and pain. We trained hard and went on many missions but never did we expect to go back there. We've all changed a lot. For a while Percy and Jason were angry and cold but we pulled them out of it. Now we are all really cheerful and have learned a lot of things like me my cousin and siblings learned we can control what we looked like and many other things.

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