Are You An Angel?

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

This one is... I don't know what I can say about it. In this one, I attempt to portray the relationship Ahsoka has between the Ghost Crew (or some of it) and herself. Attempted

I am pleased to announce that I am not hurting Ahsoka in this one. I'm hurting Sabine. 

Trigger Warning for bLOoD.

Read on if you dare.

"Sabine, now's a really good time to land!" Ezra hollered from the back of the ship they'd borrowed for the mission.

"I'm trying," Sabine gritted out, trying to gain control of the dying systems.

"Try harder," Ezra fired back.

"Less talking, more flying!" Zeb ordered.

Sabine, Ezra, and Zeb had been sent on a mission. As almost every mission went, the Imperials were after them. To make things worse, they'd been caught up in a lightning storm. The clouds were dense and Sabine couldn't see the ground.

And of all the storms, it had to be a lightning storm. Lighting strikes meant dying systems.

The power flickered back to life. Sabine pulled up, steering away from an approaching rock structure. She let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding.

Another bolt of lightning shot from the clouds. It slammed straight into the ship.

Ezra and Zeb tumbled around, smashing into the wall. The controls flickered and the control panel smoked. Smoke filled Sabine's eyes and nose. She coughed, trying to get it out of her throat.

The steering wouldn't respond correctly. Sabine couldn't see anything. The smoke and clouds were too much.

Suddenly, the clouds broke and the quickly approaching ground came into view. Ezra and Zeb screeched in fear. Sabine yanked up on the steering, bracing for impact.

Impact came, jolting Sabine forward. Her head bashed against the controls and she immediately crumpled into a heap against it.

Zeb and Ezra were thrown against the left wall. "Sabine, getting this burner under control would be nice!" Ezra hollered.

"Yeah, any time," Zeb agreed.

With no one steering the ship, it was even more out of control. It skidded across the ground, ricocheting off a rock structure, and smashed into the cliff wall. The right side dented in from the impact. Zeb and Ezra shared a terrified glance.

"That could've gone smoother," Zeb grunted, rubbing his arm.

"Ugh, Sabine," Ezra groaned. "Couldn't have done a little better?"

There was no reply.


Still no response.

Ezra pushed himself up and wobbled to the cockpit. He let out a strangled sound, something between a groan and gasp when he saw Sabine. Her forehead had a nasty gash that had already begun to bruise.

"Well this mission is going just great," Ezra said in a voice that meant the opposite. He hurried to the shuttle's door, but it had been crushed in by the cliffside. "Zeb, we have another problem."

Zeb smashed through one of the windows. "Problem solved."

"Can you get Sabine?" Ezra asked, already crawling out. "I'm calling for backup."

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