A Mission To Hoth

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I cometh bearing another update. In which I am hurting Ahsoka. Again. And Rex. Hehe. 

Trigger warnings for vomiting and gore. 

Read on if you dare. 

"Keep it steady, Commander!" Rex shouted over the commotion of the sparking console, smoking controls, and blaring alarms. "I've almost got it."

"Hurry! We only have ninety seconds," Ahsoka shouted, keeping her eyes on the console.

The alarms slammed around inside of Ahsoka's montrals agonizingly. For a split second, she lost focus. In that split second, she was unable to sense the stab of warning from the Force.

The console before her exploded into flames. She felt the hot, ripping sensation on her head and the rough impact as she slammed to the ground. The last thing she heard was Rex shouting something incoherent and a loud crash.


Ahsoka felt herself jolting back to consciousness. Her face burned. She felt like one big bruise and felt very sick. Ahsoka had to fight the waves of nausea.

She finally sat up, shivering. The floor and air felt like ice. Togrutas didn't do well in cold.

Ahsoka glanced around her. She was in the cockpit, and she noticed Rex laying on the other side. Ahsoka crawled over to him.

A small panel of metal had fallen from the ceiling and covered Rex's face. Ahsoka flipped the metal off of Rex's face.

Ahsoka hardly had time to try to stop her stomach from flipping before vomit spilt out of her mouth and onto the floor. She coughed roughly and thickly, groaning when she wiped bright blood away from the edges of her mouth.

Over half of Rex's face was completely ripped up. Ahsoka could only see blood and shredded skin. He also had a long gash down his arm and his leg had twisted into a wonky position: Ahsoka could see both through his blacks.

She reached out her hand, closed her eyes, and called on the Force. She slowly healed Rex's face.

When Ahsoka's energy drained from her to the point she felt her arms shake, she relented. Ahsoka dragged herself across the cockpit and fumbled through the holding blocks on the walls until she found a medkit.

Ahsoka crawled back to Rex and got to work with the medical supplies. Rex's face was to the point that she could look at it without her meal making a second appearance. She taped Rex's face up with bandages.

At times like this, Ahsoka was very grateful for Kix's medical crash courses.

Rex's eyes fluttered open and he groaned. "C-commander."

Ahsoka gave him a tiny smile.

"Your face."

Ahsoka, somewhat confused, lifted her hand to her face. She brought it back, smeared with blood.

"You're burned," Rex pointed out.

"Oh, yeah, it'd make sense because the console exploded on me," Ahsoka chuckled dryly. Then she coughed and groaned from how it felt like sandpaper in her throat and lungs.

Rex groaned. "Leg, arm."

"I know," Ahsoka rasped. "I'm going to do your arm first, okay?"

Rex nodded as well as he could in acknowledgement. He bit his lip as Ahsoka removed his armour plates and wrapped a bandage tightly around his arm.

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