A Mission to Hoth | Part 2

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Here's part two, as promised. I re-wrote it like three times. 

Read on if you dare. 

Ahsoka felt herself drifting in and out of consciousness. At times, she could hear voices echoing around her or saw a glimpse of someone's face. At other times, there was nothing. Everything felt fuzzy no matter what, as though she was trapped in a dream.

"Commander! Commander, wake up!"

"Rex is that you? Ahsoka?"

"General, I don't know what happened."

"Kix! Where the kriff is Kix?! We need a medic in here!"

"Glad we found you."

"Where's my kit?!"

"Echo, Fives, on the double!"

"She can't hold up much longer!"

"We're losing her!"

"General, we need your help!"

"Kriffing Togruta and their weird systems."


"Move, move, move! The commander can't survive the cold!"

"The worst is over, right?"

"Hand me that. Her temperature just dropped."

"...Nine broken ribs, major internal bleeding, some..."

"Her temperature's spiking again."

"The IV is ready."

"Oh, Ahsoka, please wake up."

"Let's just hope her memories are all there when she wakes up."

"Can't you inject her with something that'll make her wake up?"

"She's too still."

"It's been too long: you have to wake her up."

"It's not right."

"I don't like this, Kix."

"Kriff, not again!!"

And slowly but surely, the voices quieted down and faded away to nothingness.


Everything reeked of alcohol.

But not the kind of alcohol bars sported. The kind of cleaning alcohol that screamed: "carried to the med-bay while unconscious."

The agonizing, repetitive beep began to echo around in Ahsoka's montrals.

Definitely the med-bay... which meant–

Ahsoka shot up in a panic. She instantly regretted it, gripping an arm over her middle and groaning.

"Whoah, Whoah," firm hands pressed her back against the mattress. "It's okay, Snips. You're safe now."

Ahsoka wasn't so much worried about herself. She remembered how injured Rex had been: if she was unconscious in the med-bay, what kinds of condition was she in.

"Rex?" Ahsoka croaked, surprised at how her voice cracked as if it had aged a hundred years.

"He's fine," Anakin assured her. "He's back on his feet with some crutches."

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