Night at the Med-bay

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

You guys, I had so much fun writing this, and I'm not going to spoil anything, so this is all the author's note you get. 

Trigger warning for mention of vomiting. 

Read on if you dare. 


ENTRY #117


I'm currently in the med-bay. I've been here for two hours already, but Kix was patching me up. I basically passed out for like forty-five minutes because the painkillers were strong and I was super tired. I'm still tired, but I can't go back to sleep. It's like the med-bay is an anti-sleep place.

Anakin is trying to negotiate with Kix right now. He wants to stay here with me all night, like always, but Kix wants to kick him out. Kix is gonna win. He always does. I don't know why Anakin tries anymore.

I just finished drinking the disgustingly sweet meal replacement. Kix wouldn't let me have a solid meal because I puked all over the floor when I first came in here. He's still mad at me, I think. But I don't understand why I have to drink the sickly sweet thing because that makes me feel even sicker. It's so gross.

Kix made Anakin go and get himself food so he doesn't end up in the med-bay from starving himself.

Fives just came in to visit me. He wants me to throw water balloons at Echo with him. Echo's dead asleep on the bed across from me. It's tempting, but I know Kix will murder both of us if we get the sheets wet.

Fives is trying to negotiate with Kix right now. Kix wants Echo out of the med-bay because he's not really hurt: he's just sacked out. But Echo passed out cold on the bed and no one can wake him up. Yet. We all know the water balloons will.

Kix said no to the water balloons. I didn't expect anything different, but Fives was super bummed. Fives ended up going up and whispering in Echo's ear "Hey Echo, Hardcase dumped Jawa Juice all over your reg manual collection" and Echo snapped awake. I've never seen him high-tail it out of a room so fast.

Fives is gone now. He had to go "tame wild Echo" and I hope he apologies. It was super funny, but it's rude not to apologize.

Oh! I think I see Anakin coming back here now.

Anakin keeps trying to look over my shoulder while I'm writing. It's super creepy. I mean, what if I was writing down my darkest, deepest, scariest secret? I'm not, of course, because that would be stupid, but what if I was?

What if I was confessing my love in a letter or just to get it out of my head? I'm not, of course, because all the guys I know are drips or like my brothers, and I'm not that interested in being in love anyway. Oh, and trash the "no attachments" rule the Jedi have because Anakin has a girlfriend.

Anyways, Anakin needs to mind his own business and stop looking at my writing.

Kix checked me over and apparently I have a fever now. I'm really cold. I have been, but I had blankets a few minutes ago. Kix won't let me have any blankets right now because my temperature is too warm. I'm sweating, but I'm so cold. Kix gave me medicine to break my fever, so maybe he'll let me have my blankets back. The medicine tasted really weird and gross. Maybe it's because he's never given me that medicine before.  

Kriff, everything just got dizzy. Am I still writing in a straight line? Holy moons, the room started spinning. I feel really hot all of a sudden. Kriff, I can't breathe right. My montrals are ringing. I don't want to tell Anakin because he's tough and he might think I'm a baby. I think I'll be okay I ju

Yeah, I wasn't okay. Sorry to stop mid-sentence, but I kinda passed out there. Kix concluded that I am allergic to the kind of medicine he gave me to break my fever. So yeah, I was out for a while and when I woke up a just felt like bantha poop. Oh! And did I mention I have a rash now as well? And I also puked again. I think Kix is mad at me for puking again.

Also, I think it's really funny that Anakin jumped up and went running out of the room when I puked on the floor. He's so scared of puking it's hilarious! But he's back now and he's... eeeek!! He's looking over my shoulder again! Go away, Anakin! Poke your prying eyes elsewhere!

Kix just made Anakin leave. I fell asleep for a little while so that's good, but I'm wide awake now. How is it possible to be so tired and so wide awake at the same time? Ugh, it's agonizing.

I think I confused Anakin by writing in this journal. He never really understands literature and his handwriting is sloppy. Well, I think it is. Maybe it's really not that sloppy and I just like to give him a hard time. I dunno.

Rex is two beds to my left and across the room. He's on his datapad, giggling like some possessed chipmunk.

It sounds so weird. I've never heard Rex make a sound like that. I wonder what he's laughing about? Oh, Kriff, I think he just saw me looking at him. Pretend not to notice. Pretend not to notice! He might give me the death stare.

Then I'd die.

Kix let me have my blanket back. I'm really glad he did because I'm super cold. But I'm warming up now. Ugh. I'm so tired I might try to sleep, but I'll probably fail.

Rex isn't giggling anymore, which is a relief. I felt like someone was tickling my montrals. With barbed wire. Maybe I will be able to sleep now...

I fell asleep for like two minutes, but I woke up, and now I'm mad. I just want some kriffing shut-eye! Why can't I get any?!

Now Kix is snoring like a sick bantha at his medic desk. It's so loud and annoying. How am I supposed to sleep with a kriffing bantha snoring across the room?! He's worst than Anakin!

I'm bored. I can't sleep. I hate the med-bay. I want Anakin to come back.

Sooooo I drew this picture of Kix being angry at me for puking on the floor because I have nothing better to do.

Ugh, can I please use the Force to slam something so he'll wake up? I might just do that, but I don't want him to be any angrier at me because he's sour that I puked on his floor.

Echo's kind soul came in here and kept me company for a while. (I apologized on Fives' behalf, by the way) He also suggested I take a sleeping pill so I can actually get some shut-eye. He's asking Kix for me right now. Echo's the best

Kix woke up a few minutes ago when he fell out of his chair. He was really flustered. Finally, some high-quality entertainment!

Kix just gave me the pill. I didn't laugh when he fell, but for some reason, he looks angry at me. Is anger just a resting medic face? Is he still upset I puked on the floor?

The pill should take a bit to work through me, Kix said. I hope it works. I'm so tired all I want to do is sleep.

Hah, look at the time! I always think it's funny when the time does something like this, but Anakin just thinks I'm petty.

So, I think the pill is working. My eyes and my head are really heavy. My fingers are starting to feel a little numb, too, so I can't write for much longer.

If I don't fall asleep, I'm going to be even angrier.

IT WORKED!! I'm so happy right now because I actually got some sleep! And better yet, Kix said he can discharge me in a little bit, as long as I don't puke up my breakfast or pass out again. I hope he's not still sour that I puked on the floor. 

I'm being discharged! Woohooo! Anakin and Kix are getting me discharged right now. Bye-bye, med-bay! I won't miss you!


Word Count: 1,424 

Published: May 16, 2022

I have no more words for you. 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have any ideas!

Bye, peoples!

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