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sorry guys this isn't an update YET

new readers: you guys can ignore this message :')

i just wanna figure out what way y'all want the story to progress bcos as i said, ive been rewriting it so many parts don't match up with the previous version.

e.g. in the earliest version of Polaris, blaine met eli and leon in the hospital, but in this rewritten form, they haven't met, which has kind of set off a butterfly effect, i think.

luka is also less..rushed, i guess? because the first r-18 scene in the earlier version took place in the hospital but now i kinda wanna let them take it slow but man it's really SLOW

rn i have around 2-3 chapters ready for publishing but the timeline is so messed up that im not sure what parts i want to add :(

..also blaine's emotions are really hard to write out because ive completely lost the flair for it i guess lmao

do you guys want me to just continue with the timeline and plot of the older version or completely rewrite it?¿


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