Chapter 5

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(next day at school)

Jin Ling walked in to the school where both his friends were waiting for him. They all greeted each other before heading off to there classes. His (JL) first class was science and today it was Sizhui's and this other boys turn to do their presentations. One pair of students would have to do it each day, and Jin Ling had already done his so he didn't need to worry.

Upon entering his class he went straight to his seated and waited for Sizhui and the boy to start there presentation. The teacher called the boys up and they started there presentation. 

Jin Ling could not pay much attention with Sizhui being the one presenting. He noticed how attractive Sizhui actually was, his dark black hair, beautiful eyes which showed calmness and kindness, the way he talked, oh his soothing voice, and who could forget about his smile. He didn't know he was staring but looked away when he realized it.

 Mid way there presentation Jin Ling was hungry and decided to eat his lollipop which he had in his pocket. He took it out and started sucking on it. He decided to tease Sizhui made eye contact with him and started playing with his lollipop.

Sizhui eyes had met Jin Lings and he saw him playing with his lollipop. The way Jin Ling was playing with his lollipop made him think of unholy things. Closing his eyes he started counting backwards by 7 from 200. This helped him call down and finish his presentation. When he made eye contact with Jin Ling the second time he (JL) had a smirk on his face.

Sizhui took his seat and paid attention to the teacher peaking at Jin Ling once in a while. After class he decided to slowly pack his stuff. Everyone had left the class room and now it was only him and Jin Ling.

"Jin Ling hey so do you want to meet at the library again same time?" Sizhui asked.

"Sure we can meet there and after I will see you at the club so we can settle my schedules." Jin Ling got closer to Sizhui and sat on his lap. The thing he (JL) didn't know, was how strong Sizhui actually was. Once he had sat down Sizhui's hands gripped Jin Lings slim waist.

"next time don't mess with me A-Ling," with that Sizhui picked Jin Ling up and placed him on the desk, "now you better get to your next class before you get there late," Sizhui left the class room shortly leaving a stunned, pouting Jin Ling behind. 

(time skip to when they are at the club, to lazy to write about school and tutoring)

All the friends (Jin Lings and Sizhuis friends) where at the club and Jin Ling had just ended with his performance, and was now at his changing room.

"Hey guys I need to go see Jin Ling right now to discuss some stuff with him," Sizhui smiled and walked over to Jin Lings changing area.

"Jin Ling so have you decided when you are going to work?" Sizhui opened the door and saw Jin Ling in a very cute yellow sweater, and some shorts which were hidden under his hoodie, exposing his long legs.

"Well yes and I think I will be working Fridays, and Saturdays." Jin Ling sat down on his couch, and took a water bottle from his bag, "Come on Sizhui today is Friday and we should have fun lets go with our friends." they exited the room and walked out to the main area.

All there friends were there either dancing on the dance floor or drinking at the bar. Sizhui was not really the kind of person to drink but Jin Ling kept pestering him so he agreed. They were now on the dance floor, with Xue Yang and Xingchen. Xue Yang was really drunk, flirting with almost everyone he saw. You could tell that Xingchen was annoyed.

"Guys I am going to take Xue Yang back to his house he is to drunk." Xingchen said. They nodded and kept dancing until an hour later. 

It wasn't until late at night that they decided to leave. Sizhui being the most sober took Zizhen and JingYi back to the shared apartment. He knew they liked each other and left them in JingYi's bed room. After they were comfortable he left with Jin Ling. Not wanting to leave him alone at his apartment, Sizhui instead took him to his own apartment. 

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