Chapter 12

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"Xingchen, I think you have your answer," Song Lan smiled.

"Thankyou Song Lan I really owe you one," Xingchen hugged his friend, and walked away.

It was an early Friday morning and Xingchen, was walking towards Jin Ling, "Jin Ling!" He called out. 

          "Have you changed your mind or you still with Song Lan?" Jin Ling's cold eyes pierced Xingchen.

          "Please calm down I did this for a reason, I should have told you my plan before I did it, but let me explain," They walked inside the school, whilst Xingchen told Jin Ling about his plan. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Sizhui was walking in the school with Xue Yang and JingYi. Xue Yang was telling him about his plan and how he was going to get Xingchen back, when he got a notification. Jin Ling had texted him, his heart started beating fast in only a few seconds.


J: Hi Sizhui
S: Hi
J: remember the situation between our friends?
S: How could I not Xue Yang keeps talking about it 
J: Well let them manage it, Xingchen also has a plan
S: Ok 

End of conversation

Sizhui was confused but let it go. He then went back to listen to Xue Yang's rants about how he was going to make Song Lan pay for taking his boy. 

They were now at there lockers, getting all there stuff for their first class. Xingchen came walking from the corner, and over to Xue Yang "Can we talk" He asked.

Xue Yang was shocked but managed to spit out, "Follow me," and pulled Xingchen into an empty classroom. 

"Where is your boyfriend?" Xue Yang's face had a hurt face but kept composed.

"Xue Yang, please here me out ok, *nods* well I um I like you, and Song Lan is not my boyfriend. B-But you are the one I like," Xingchen's face was a soft pink. 

Xue Yang didn't answer him, and Xingchen was worried, "I, I guess you don't feel the same way," A stray tear ran down his cheek, but before he could leave the classroom, Xue Yang pulled him in by his wrist. 

"I never said that," a smirk appeared on his face, as he pulled Xingchen in for a kiss. At first Xingchen didn't kiss him back, "Sorry I don't know how to k-kiss," he stuttered.

Xue Yang's smirk just grew. He was about to pull Xingchen in for another kiss, when the door was opened and the people fell on the floor. 


The people saw them disappear into a classroom, and followed them. They were all leaning on the door trying to hear what was going one inside. The door was then opened on accident (how I don't know) and they tumbled onto the floor. What they saw was exiting, Xingchen in Xue Yang's arms. Hurriedly they left and walked of to their appointed classes like as if they didn't see anything. 

The day was just like any other, they went to all their classes, Sizhui tutored Jin Ling in the after noon, but their classes were cut short. Jin Ling had to preform that day, Sizhui had forgotten all about that, and it angered him. 'Why does Jin Ling have to dance in front of so many people!?' 

(that night at the club) 

Jin Ling had just finished his dance every one was staring and clapping. Sizhui was really mad because why did Jin Ling have to do that, with such revealing clothes! He couldn't take it anymore. He went to were Jin Ling was his changing room (?). 

"Jin Ling, why do you dance?" Sizhui didn't mean to startle poor Jin Ling but he did.

"I need money, and even if my parents are rich they don't give me any, and keep me with them they said I would get money from them but first I had to try. Once I turn 18 in 8 months, I will be able to move out, unless I move in with some one." Jin Ling answered. 

"Move in with me, and quit working here," it seemed more like a command, and Jin Ling really wanted to accept.

"But what about my stuff, and don't you already live with your other friends?" Jin Ling was pretested. 

"I will ask some people to get your stuff, with you parents permission. We will live in my other apartment and I will take you to school." Jin Ling had no other protests so he agreed, and that night he went back with Sizhui to his (S) house. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

another short and boring chapter hope it made sense
have a good night/day where ever you are :P 

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