Chapter 8

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**11 years ago**

A seven year old was under a tree picking flowers. He had black hair and was wearing a baby blue shirt, and some blue jeans. There was a boy not far away, who had chestnut brown hair, dressed in a yellow jumper. The boy in blue always came to the same tree everyday, and the yellow boy would always follow him, and watch him from afar.

He never dared talk to the boy in blue for he was to shy. The thing he did not know is that the blue boy knew that he always followed him.

The same thing happened for a month, and one day the blue boy really wanted to talk to the yellow boy, who always followed him. So he built up his courage, grabbed the flowers he had picked that day, and went to the boy in yellow.

"Hi my name is Sizhui, you can call me A-Yuan, I noticed you always follow me but never talk to me, here *hands him the flowers* these are for you, I just picked them today." Sizhui smiled, while the other boy looked down embarrassed, because he did not know Sizhui knew about him. 

The yellow boys cheeks turned crimson red, and accepted the flowers, as he introduced himself, "My name is Jin Ling," he shyly hid his face and sniffed the flowers.
"A-Ling! A-Ling!" Someone called Jin Ling from a distance.

"That's my mom I better go now" with a smile he departed.
"Bye bye," Sizhui waved goodbye, and sat down under the tree, staring of into the distance with a smile on his face.

They kept meeting each other at the tree, this went on for another two months, until one day, "A-Yuan, A-Yuan,"  tears were streaming down Jin Ling's face.

Sizhui was hugging Jin Ling shushing him down and saying sweet nothings in his ear, "I-I I am lea *choke* leaving to *sobs* tomorrow, an- and I will not see *sobs some more* se-e you a-again." It was a little muffled, but Sizhui understood everything. His heart ached, why? He did not know. The only thing he knew was that he wanted to be with this yellow boy A-Ling forever.

Swallowing his tears, and sobs, he promised Jin Ling, "I promise in the future to find you, and I will marry you ok?" Sizhui's croaked out, as a few trembling tears rolled out of his clear eyes. 

Jin Ling stayed in Sizhui's embrace until he wad called yet again by his mother, "A-Yuan, remember your promise I will be waiting for you to marry me." Jin Ling lips kissed Sizhui's cheek, and with one last hug he ran back to his house. 

Sizhui watched Jin Ling disappear into the distance, his body slowly turned into a yellow blur, and then he was gone. The one person that made him happy, now gone. 

More tears spilled out of his eyes, and he lay under the tree for who knows how much time, crying. Even if he was only 7, he knew, he knew that, he loved Jin Ling and would do anything for him. 

Once the sun had gone down, Sizhui was still sitting under the tree. Back at his house his parents were worried so they went to look for him, and found him under a tree. His dads Lan Zhan and Wei Ying, held him in their arms as they heard the story. After some time his dads decided to take him home, but he fell asleep half was there. (He was being carried by Wei Ying)

**11 years later**

Jin Ling had not forgotten about Sizhui and his promise so he had never dated anyone. His parents also decided to move back after eight years. He enrolled in a new school, and there he saw him, Sizhui, he was so happy, but it seemed like Sizhui didn't recognize him.

 This broke his heart, but he did not give up. Jin Ling also never talked to Sizhui, instead he made friends, and waited for Sizhui. It had been 3 years since he had been in that school, and finally he had the opportunity to talk to Sizhui, since he literally had to be tutored by him. Jin Ling did what he could to get Sizhui's attention. Nothing really did work but he still tried.

(Sizhui's POV)

There was a new kid at his school, who reminded him of a friend from his childhood, but as the years went on he had forgotten the name of the boy.

But he fell in love with the new student instantly. He had a connection with him, and had been crushing on him for three years. Once he had finally started tutoring him he fell more in love with him. There was just something special about him, almost like as is he had met him before. 

(Flashback to the day of the dArE)

Zizhen, Xingchen, and Jin Ling were dropped of at Jin Ling's house, after spending the entire day at the other boys' house. They decided to stay the night at Jin Ling's place until Monday.

It was night time, and they were bored. Zizhen then had an idea, "Guys, how about we play drink or dare!" They agreed and started to play. 

They had played many rounds and now they were some-what drunk and the dares, weren't that bad, until it was Xingchen's turn, "Jin Ling drink or dare?"

"Dare," Jin Ling was the most sober from the trio, but he soon regretted his decision.

"You know the nerd that tutors you? Well I dare you to make him fall in love with you, and then you have to break his heart." Jin Ling was shocked. He didn't know Xingchen had that in him, such a cruel dare. 

He had never told anyone about Sizhui, never, and now he had to break his heart. His face ran pale, a small tear fell down his cheek, he quickly got rid of it and kept playing, but his mind was else were. Just the thought was a burden, and his heart felt like a rock. Never in his life would he want to do this, break the heart of his true love. 

Xingchen POV

Since the first day I became friends with Jin Ling I knew he had a crush on Sizhui the class nerd. It was really obvious! You could also tell Sizhui liked him back, why were their skulls so thick!? I just had to confirm but I didn't know how to. 

The perfect opportunity came the day we played drink or dare, I dared Jin Ling to make Sizhui fall in love with him, and after Jin Ling had to break his heart. Jin Ling thought I was drunk but in reality I wad completely sober.

After I said the dare I noticed a tear fall down his cheek, and his face turned pale, I had been correct. I would confront him later about his crush only if Sizhui fell for Jin Ling, which I am pretty sure he already had. That was my plan, but I didn't know how much trouble it would cause.

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